Quantum Electromagnetics

Quantum Electromagnetics

  • 統一編號GPN:1009701762
  • 出版日期:2008/03
  • 作/編/譯者:Ching-Chuan Su
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:230
  • 裝訂:精裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9574110974
  • 出版單位:國立清華大學
  • 開數:A5
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$900

本書以同一個波動方程式來描述電磁、量子及重力現象。例如薛丁格波動方程式波函數的對時間為一次微分而本書為二次微分。作者放棄了傳統的向量位而以電為乘上一個新創的Augmentation operator U。除了和已知的實驗結果比較以外,本書也預測了一些和傳統Lorentz時空轉換不一樣的結論。例如對Michelson-Morly實驗,本書預測由於地球的運動會有一些微小的差異


I.1 Review of Conventional Electromagnetics
I.2 Review of Special Relativity
I.3 Review of Quantum Mechanics
I.4 Outline of Quantum Electromagnetics
I.4.1 Local-ether model of wave propagation
I.4.2 Classical theory of local-ether electromagnetics
I.4.3 Quantum theory of electromagnetic and gravitational forces
I.4.4 Quantum theory of speed-dependent mass and wave properties
Chapter 1 Local-Ether Model of Wave Propagation
1.1 Motivation for Local-Ether Model
1.2 Classical Propagation Model and Sagnac E.ect
1.3 Propagation Mechanisms and Sagnac E.ects in High-Precision Experiments
1.3.1 Global positioning system
1.3.2 Intercontinental microwave link
1.3.3 Interplanetary radar
1.4 Discrepancy in E.ects of Earth Motions
1.5 Local-Ether Propagation Model
1.6 Reexamination of Various Propagation Phenomena
1.6.1 Round-trip Sagnac e.ect in monostatic radar
1.6.2 Round-trip Sagnac e.ect in Michelson-Morley experiment
1.6.3 Sagnac e.ect in loop interferometer
1.6.4 Constancy of speed of light
1.6.5 Spatial isotropy in geostationary path or cavity
1.6.6 Doppler e.ect and Roemer observations
1.6.7 Spatial anisotropy in CMBR
1.6.8 Gravitational e.ects on wave propagation
1.7 Unsolved and Predicted Propagation Phenomena
1.7.1 Stellar aberration
1.7.2 One-way-link rotor experiment
1.7.3 Second-order radar Doppler shift
Chapter 2 Modi.cations of Lorentz Force Law
2.1 Frame-Invariance of Electromagnetic Force
2.2 Augmented Potentials and Electromagnetic Force Law
2.3 Augmented Potentials under Neutralization
2.4 Force Law under Low-Speed Condition
2.5 Sagnac-E.ect Deviation and Galilean Relativity
2.6 Extra Force Terms
Chapter 3 Modi.cations of Maxwell Equations
3.1 Issue of Reference Frame in Electromagnetics
3.2 Modi.ed Lorentz Force Law
3.3 Local-Ether Wave Equations for Potentials
3.4 Local-Ether Wave Equations for Fields
3.5 Reexamination of Various Interference Experiments
3.5.1 Phase variation with moving medium and path
3.5.2 Geostationary .ber-link experiment
3.5.3 Sagnac rotating-loop experiments
3.5.4 Fizeau experiment with moving medium
3.6 Derivation of Modi.cations of Maxwell Equations 92
Chapter 4 Modi.cations of Schr矣dinger Equation
4.1 Force Law and Wave Equation 101
4.2 Local-Ether Wave Equation and Evolution Equation 102
4.3 Derivation of Electrostatic Force and Mass 105
4.4 Local-EtherWave Equation with Augmentation Operator 108
4.5 Derivation of Local-Ether Electromagnetic Force
4.6 Augmented Potentials under Weak-Potential and
Low-Speed Conditions
4.7 Comparison with Schrodinger Equation
Chapter 5 Uni.ed Quantum Theory of Electromagnetic
and Gravitational Forces
5.1 Gravitational E.ects 122
5.2 Local-EtherWave Equation with Gravitational Potential 123
5.3 Derivation of Uni.ed Quantum Theory 126
5.4 Reexamination of Evidence for General Relativity
5.4.1 Increments of propagation time and
radar echo time
5.4.2 Gravitational de.ection of light
5.4.3 Gravitational redshift
5.4.4 Spatial distributions of wavefunctions in
gravitational redshift experiments
Chapter 6 Speed-Dependent Mass and Quantum Energy
6.1 Speed-Dependence of Atomic Clock Rate 141
6.2 Evolution Equation beyond Low-Speed Condition 142
6.3 Particle Velocity and Speed-Dependent Mass 145
6.4 Speed-Dependent Quantum Energy 147
6.5 Reexamination of Experiments with Atomic Clock Rate 150
6.5.1 Gravitation- and speed-dependent
transition frequency
6.5.2 Clock-rate di.erence in Hafele-Keating experiment
6.5.3 Clock-rate adjustment in GPS
6.5.4 Frequency shifts in earthbound and interplanetary spacecraft microwave links
6.5.5 Spatial isotropy in Hughes-Drever experiment
Chapter 7 Resonant Absorption between Moving Atoms
7.1 Frequency Shifts
7.2 Higher-Order Doppler Frequency Shift
7.3 Quantum Energy Variation and Resonant-Absorption Condition
7.4 Reexamination of Resonant-Absorption Experiments
7.4.1 Ives-Stilwell experiment
7.4.2 Output frequency from ammonia masers
7.4.3 Mossbauer rotor experiment
7.4.4 Spatial isotropy, terrestrial isotropy, Galilean
relativity, and their breakdowns
Chapter 8 Interference of Matter Wave
8.1 Properties of Matter Wave 181
8.2 Local-Ether Wave Equation for Free Particle 182
8.3 Dispersion of Matter Wave 183
8.4 Mass, Energy, and Momentum 185
8.5 Reexamination of Matter-Wave Interference Experiments 189
8.5.1 Bragg re.ection of matter wave
8.5.2 Predicted anisotropy in Bragg angle due to earth rotation
8.5.3 E.ect of earth gravity in neutron interferometry
8.5.4 E.ect of earth rotation in neutron interferometry
8.5.5 Matter-wave Sagnac e.ect in rotating loop

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:Quantum Electromagnetics
  • 出版品網址(線上版或試閱版):連結
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:local-ether wave,electromagnetics
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:230
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立清華大學出版社
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡人:聯絡電話:聯絡地址:陳文芳:03-5714337:新竹市光復路二段101號國立清華大學出版社