The Essential Collection of the National Palace Museum—Antiquities

The Essential Collection of the National Palace Museum—Antiquities

  • 統一編號GPN:1009800528
  • 出版日期:2009/03
  • 作/編/譯者:林柏亭 主編
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:350
  • 裝訂:精裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9789575625337
  • 出版單位:國立故宮博物院
  • 開數:其他:30*23
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$2200




1. Mao-kung “ting”, late Western Chou dynasty 2. Sung “hu”, late Western Chou dynasty
3. San “p’an”, late Western Chou dynasty
4. Bird-headed, animal-shaped “tsun” vessel, late Spring and Autumn to Warring States period 5. Chia-liang measure, Hsin dynasty 6. White ceramic child-shaped pillow, Ting ware, Northern Sung dynasty 7. Celadon lotus-shaped warming bowl, Ju ware, Northern Sung dynasty 8. Celadon “tsun” vessel with linear decor, Kuan ware, Southern Sung dynasty 9. “Cha-tou” planter with sky blue glaze, Chün ware, Chin to Yüan dynasty 10. Globular vase with interwoven lotus and dragon decor in underglaze blue,
Yung-lo reign, Ming dynasty
11. Flask-shaped vase decorated with human figures in underglaze blue, Yung-lo reign, Ming dynasty 12. “Chicken” cup decorated with “tou-ts’ai” colors, Ch’eng-hua reign, Ming dynasty 13. Kuan-yin “tsun” vase with red glaze, K’ang-hsi reign, Ch’ing dynasty 14. I-hsing clay teapot decorated with flowers of the four seasons in five-color painted enamels,
K’ang-hsi reign, Ch’ing dynasty
15. Porcelain bowl with rendering of birds-and-flowers in “fa-lang-ts’ai” enamels,
Yung-cheng reign, Ch’ing dynasty 16. Gilded azure blue porcelain vase with renderings of fish on a rotating core,
Ch’ien-lung reign, Ch’ing dynasty
17. Lidded, conjoined jars with “Eternal Tranquility” motif in “fa-lang-ts’ai” enamels,
Ch’ien-lung reign, Ch’ing dynasty 18. “Kuei” tablet with mythical bird design, Shantung Lung-shan culture 19. Phoenix-shaped jade pendant with dragon crest, late Shang dynasty 20. Jade “pi-hsieh”, Eastern Han dynasty 21. Jade tablets from the T’ang emperor Hsüan-tsung’s sacrifices to the Earth God,
K’ai-yüan reign, T’ang dynasty
22. Pale green jade armrest carved in the shape of a segmented section of bamboo, Ming dynasty23. Jade imperial seal, bearing the inscription “Seal of he who, at the advanced age of eighty,
still tends to the concerns of the people”, Ch’ien-lung reign, Ch’ing dynasty 24. Jadeite cabbage, Ch’ing dynasty 25. Carved black lacquer plate in eight-petaled peony shape with twin peacock motif,
Yüan to early Ming dynasty 26. Carved red lacquer vase with floral decor, Yung-lo reign, Ming dynasty 27. Carved red lacquer screen bearing a rendition of Su Shih’s “Ode on the Red Cliff”,
Ch’ien-lung reign, Ch’ing dynasty 28. Cloisonne box with lotus-spray design, Ching-t’ai reign, Ming dynasty 29. Bronze jar adorned with coiled dragons and painted enamel, Yung-cheng reign, Ch’ing dynasty 30. Cloisonne butter ewer with inset painted enamel panels, Ch’ien-lung reign, Ch’ing dynasty 31. Miniature cosmetics case decorated with gilding and painted enamel, European, 18th century 32. Carved bamboo brush holder with a rendering of the scene “Peeking at a Letter”,
late Ming to early Ch’ing dynasty 33. Miniature boat carved from an olive pit, Ch’en Tsu-chang, Ch’ing dynasty 34. Openwork rectangular boxes carved from ivory (11 pieces), Huang Chen-hsiao, Ch’ing dynasty 35. Carved boxwood brush holder bearing a depiction of the Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden,
Ch’ing dynasty -36. Red sandalwood curio box adorned with cloud and dragon motifs (with 47 curios),
Ch’ien-lung reign, Ch’ing dynasty 37. Gilded bronze image of Sakyamuni Buddha, Northern Wei dynasty (T’ai-ho reign) 38. Golden mandala inlaid with turquoise and coral, Tibetan, 17th century 39. Round ink cake with impressed image of “Ch’iu-ch’ih” stone, Fang Yü-lu, Ming dynasty 40. Sung-hua inkstone with carved “ch’ih” dragon motif, Ch’ien-lung reign, Ch’ing dynasty.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:The Essential Collection of the National Palace Museum—Antiquities
  • 出版品網址(線上版或試閱版):連結
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性),成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:故宮,國寶
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:350
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立故宮博物院
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡人:陳挺中聯絡電話:02-28812021聯絡地址:北市至善路二段221號