




目 錄
一、 會議議程---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I
二、 國外內專家學者論文發表 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01
Management Policies and Organizational Operation of the German World Heritage Project
"Mining Landscape Ore Mountains59/ Helmuth Albrecht----------------------------------------------------------------- ° 丨
(譯)以德國世界遺產礦山礦業地景為例一管理政策及組織運作/漢姆•阿伯特 -------------------05
日本の文化財保護の制度と特色/齋藤 英俊 ----------------------------:----------------------------------。9
(譯)日本文化資產保護的制度與特色/齋藤 英俊 --------------------------------------------------------17
三、 組別A-1文化資產保存利用理論與國外案例--------------------------------------------------------------59
日本重要傳統建築群保存區文化資產作為火災防制活用之研究/王新衡 ------------------------------59
四、 組別A-2文化資產保存利用理論與國內案例 ----------------------------------------------------------------89
地方組織參與工業文化資產經營案例研究一以橋仔頭糖廠為例/謝穎頡、林曉薇 ------------------11。
五、 組別A-3文化資產保存論述 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
當現代建築師遇見妾身未明的老房子一專業道德與制度的侷限/許麗玉 ----------------------------135
家族傳承,國家遺產:以 Waddesdon Manor對於過去的再現為例/李惠玲 --------------------------- 145
文化資產經濟價值評估的理論、應用與意義/林思玲 ------------------------------------------------------158
民族形式的探索一北京近現代建築三次”大屋頂”高潮綜述/侯兆年 -------------------------------168
六、 組別B・1文化資產保存科技與修護技術 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 181
傳統複層木造古蹟之水平力推垮分析一以鹽水八角樓為例/林裕鈞、張嘉祥 ------------------------181
歷史建築具開口部磚牆在水平面內力加載下之實驗探討/陳拓男、張嘉祥、黃漢翔 --------------192
傳統大木作工具使用技術保存紀錄之初步研究/馬少峻、薛琴 -----------------------------------------202
七、 組別B-2 土木文化資產與世界遺產潛力點 -------------------------------------------------------------------215
蘭嶼朗島部落傳統家屋測繪與文資價值評估/關華山、張錦榮、林佳雯、王泰斌 ---------------235
論我國申請登錄世界遺產之文化資產保存法律一以金門縣為探討中心/朱敏賢、陳昱嵐 ---------243
論文發表記錄--------------------------------------------------- 256
八、 組別B-3文化資產調查研究與案例 --------------------------------------------------------------------------261
澎湖南方四島的文化資產調查與保存探討/楊博淵 --------------------------------------------------------261
虎尾寮聚落與平埔族建築關係之探討-■以臺中市神岡區神洲里為例 272
文化資產:布農族傳統家屋空間觀/江冠榮 ----------------------------------------------------------------283
地圖於建築考古之應用/高祥雯 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------296
九、 組別C-1古蹟歷史建築及聚落分區專業服務中心發表及交流------------------------------------------313
古蹟歷史建築及聚落分區專業服務中心(二區)/蘭亞寧 ------------------------------------------------325
五區古蹟、歷史建築管理維護問題與對策/林世超 ---------------------------------------------------------361
島嶼文化資產的管理維護一以金門古蹟歷史建築為例/曾逸仁、陳書毅、吳松德 -------------------372
文化遺產管理品質提升之研究:以義大利HERITY組織的經驗為例/榮芳杰 -----------------------385
神聖空間研究:以金門瓊林聚落為例/翁韻涵、陳其澎 --------------------------------------------------394
臺北機廠鐵道產業生產技術與技工職場生活相關之研究一以鎔鑄工場為例/游惠婷 --------------406
新竹市米粉寮產業聚落之發展研究/郭冠吟、林暁薇 -----------------------------------------------------418
古蹟歷史建築災害緊急應變措施初探一以寺廟木匾為例/吳筱婷、劉懷仁 --------------------------435
金九礦業聚落作為世界遺產的文化資產價值評估/顏敏傑、李東明 ------------------------------------451
古蹟防災計畫之研擬與困境之探討一以國定古蹟彰化孔子廟為例/王督宜 -------------------------473
以成長管理的理念探討國土法土地使用管制之保存區劃設與執行機制/蕭芳怡、曽憲姫 ---------485
文化資產銭道發展策略之研究一以臺鐵舊山線為例/李致輝 -------------------------------------- 507
古蹟建築使用電氣設施相關缺失之調查研究一以雲林縣為例/曽政吉 --------------------------------519
近代阿美族家屋的變遷(1920-1960年代)/吳昱瑩 --------------------------------------------------------529
十二、綜合討論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------539




by prof dr helmuth albrecht institute for industrial archaeolohy histouy of science and technology at the university of technology and mining academy freiberg in saxony germany i.the mining landscape ore mountains in germany the mountain region erzhebirge (ore mountains)is located at the border of germany and the czech republic in the southeast of germany it is a bi national region of around 6.00km2 150kmlong southwest northeast around 40 km wide south north and up to 1244 m high its name comes from the rich deposits of ore-silver iron lead tin zinc copper clbalt bismuth nickel and uranium they formed th base of the flourishing mining and smelting activities since the middle ages the collnization of the forest and mountain region ergebirge started in the middle of the 12th century from both sides of the border between saxony in the north and boheia in the south only one hundred years later the main parts of the erzgebirge mountains especially along the river banks were colonized and a great part of the wild forest was changed into farming land shortly after the beginning of the colonisation in 1168 rich deposits of silver ore were found on the fround of the small village of christiansdorf a settlement founded about 1150 near the river mulde in the south of the region this caused a dramatic change in the development of the settlement within a gew decades thousands of miners craftsmen merchants adventurers and other people followed the fast spreading news of the new foung fortune in the erzgebirge around 1230 the small village had changed into the biggest town of the medieval county of meiben with about 5.000 inhabitants a cathedral and other churches several market places a castle and a strong fortification aroung she town to protest the new wealth of the sountry the name of the settlement changed into freiberg freemountain which means that everone could come and dig for silveral in and around the town hundreds of small mines and about 40 smelting places were founded during that time in the surrounding of freiberg. in the following centuries the mining activities in the erzgebirge spread over the whole mountain region during the first period from 1168 to the middle of the 15th century silver tin copper and iron mining and productio started all overthe region since 1456 the discovery of rich silver deposits in the upper regions of the erzgebirge led to a second period of mining activities characterized by the founding of a great number of mining settlement and mining towns in the upper part of the erzgebirge during that time the saxon state established a system of economic and technological control over all mining and smelting activites in the region called the direction principle to secure the economic base of the state new technologies for deep miing large water power systems and pre capitalictiv economic systems of financing were introduced during that period this seconㄎmining period of the erzgebirge ended with the political and economic catastrophe of the seven year war 1756/63 the founding of the mining academy in freiberg 1765 opened the third mining period of the region which lasted up to the first decades of the20th century it was characterized by the introduction of new industral and scientific ways of mining and smelting since 1830 led to growing ecological problems and to the invention of nes technologies in the utilization of by products like sulphur arsenic or wolframite the change from the silver to the gold standard in the german economy in 1873 and the growing international competition on the ore markets at the end of the 19th century led to a controlled closing of all mining activities in the erzgebirge berween 1890 and 1913 only the smelting plants carried on with imported ore the fourth and last period of mining in the erzgebirge started 1934 eith the resumption of the tim production caused by the nazi policy of autarky after wirld war ii the soviet occupying power started the mining of the rich uranium deposits in the west part of the erzgebirge under the codename wismut bismuth this large scale mining and production activities led not only to the first soviet atomic bomb but also to lasting modifications in the landscape and the ecological system of the region during the time of the german democratic republic also the former nazi activities in tin and lead mining in the erzgebirge carried on gor autarky reasons untio 1969 the last period of the mining activities in the region ended with the closing of the uranium mines and plants as well as the last tin and lead plants in the erzgebirge in the time of the german reunification in 1990/91.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:文化資產保存,文物保存維護,文集
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:541
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:行政院文化建設委員會文化資產總管理處籌備處
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:行政院文化建設委員會文化資產總管理處籌備處綜合規劃組 姓名:高佳琳 電話:04-22295848-357 地址:台中市復興路三段362號