ALL have changed but the aroma of wine: Taichung cultural and creative industrialpark:past and present

ALL have changed but the aroma of wine: Taichung cultural and creative industrialpark:past and present

  • ISBN/ISSN:9789860328776
  • 出版單位:文化部文化資產局
  • 開數:16開
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$100




001 preface the aroma of wine a memory forever
The Past—A Winery
6 Acommercial Genius Fouded the Winery , 1916-1922
10 Change to Public Ownership and Operation
14 Another Tremendous Change. 1945-1958
16 Production King of Taiwan's Rice Wine ! Steady Growth, 19858-1998
020 Reduced to Ruins and Rebirth of a Phoenix 1998-2009
040The Present Beauty
The Present -Acultural Park
024 From Japanses Style Winery Factory to Cultural and Creative Park
031 Leaarning as Well as Serving
"32 Acclaimed Permances, Exhibitions and Other Activies Working Together wi比 One Heart, and Producing Successive Good Shows at the
Taichung Cultural and Creative
39 Putting the Crowning Touch, Ingenuity Within Cultural Propaganda
Taichung Wine Workshop, Monopoly Bureau, Taiwan Governor-General Office
032Acclaiined Performances, Exhibitions and Other Activities
Working Together with One Heart, and Producing Successive Good Shows at the
Taichung Cultural and Creative
Putting the Crowning Touch, Ingenuity Within Cultural Propaganda
001Preface: The Aroma ofWine — a Memory Forever
Vision for the Future
064 Native Cradle of Cultural Creativity and New
School of Learning fbr Stimulating the Economy
。General Developmental Plan
070 Blazing New Trails and Creating "Classics"
Director-general Stanley S.L. Wang's Dedication to
Cultivating Taichung Cultural and Creative Industries Park
073 There Are More Than Just Little Things Up His Gourd




序 perface The Aroma of Wine AMemory of Forever What would the fate of an old industrial site be, after it had been abandoned and laying in desolation for many years? If you saw it before, what would your feelings be when you see it now? Would you exclaim at the vicissitude of human affairs? Or would you be struck by its present beauty? At these times, when advanced cities of America and Europe are revitalizing and reusing their idle spaces, when numerous old industrial sites are reborn after creative cultural industries enter into and use their spaces, when Taiwan has been flourishing with the new surge of prosperity, this old winery, which is now within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture/ seems to have changed overnight into a cultural and creative park with its new status, orientation, and mission. Facing the ruins of a winery; with this scene of devastation meeting the eye everywhere and the uncertainty of timely appropriation of government funds, the principles we set up for restoration are: From the outside to the inside, from the large to the small, and from the primary to the secondary. Within the past four years our International Performance Exhibition and Display Hall, Ya-Tang Hall, Heng-Dao Hall, Truth Academy, and Dukang (Wine) Cottage have been completed. Such renovations and constructions; plus two rounds of landscaping and the four new outdoor lavatories, have gradually perfected our hardware facilities. With our park step by step opening to the public; we have brought in numerous large and small exhibitions and other cultural and creative activities. The seaport bon voyage scene of the popular movie Cape No. 7 was shot at our park. Many of its fans later came to see the place. Thus, we reconstructed the scene and held a number of activities that are related to the promotion of the movie. As a result, more than 10,000 passionate people swarmed into our Park in a single day. The Design Expo we co- sponsored with the Taiwan Design Center was even better and more attractive. It attracted more than 400,000 visitors within a period of two weeks. At the present, the renovation and construction projects of the Park have not all been completed yet. And looking into the future, we also foresee many challenges. All of us at the Bureau of Cultural Heritage hold on to the spirit of dutifully shouldering heavy responsibilities and, with our professional training and boundless enthusiasm, take one step at a time to create a unique environment; in order to live up to the expectations of all sectors of society. We will always keep this in mind: This is only the starting point of a glorious journey and mission, not the terminal point! Now that the Council for Cultural Affairs was upgraded to the Ministry of Culture on May 20, 2012, and the Headquarters Administration of Cultural Heritage(HACH) was upgraded to the Bureau of Cultural Heritage(BOCH) along with it, we pledge to continue our journey, double our efforts, and accomplish our mission without fail. stanley s l wang director general bureau of cultrual heritage ministry of culture

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:文化,文化資產,台中文化創意園區,台中酒廠
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:76
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:文化部文化資產局
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:媒體公關小組 姓名:蔡雅祺 電話:04-22295848-690 地址:台中市復興路三段362號