

  • ISBN/ISSN:9789860366167
  • 出版單位:國立東華大學
  • 開數:A4
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$300




目 錄
Session Session Session Session Session A1 : Best papers : Best papers: Best papers : Best papers
1. Some Results of Antibandwidth on Generalized Prism Graphs 1
2. The next-to-shortest path problem on directed graphs with positive edge weights 6
3. Approximating the Canadian Traveller Problem and Its Variations 13
4. Moderately Exponential Time Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Bounded-degree-1 Set Problem 23
5. Foolproof Weak Roman Domination Problem 31
6. The Longest Common Subsequence Problem with the Gapped Constraint 37
Session Session Session Session Session B1 : Applications Applications ApplicationsApplications Applications Applications (I)
1. A Participatory Game Design Process for Learning Hamiltonian Path Problem 43
2. A Flexible Trading Strategy for Different Investor Attributes in Mutual Funds 49
3. Involution pseudoknot-bordered words 59
4. A lower bound for 1-median selection in metric spaces 65
5. The Route-Capturing Game 69
6. A heuristic algorithm for the bottleneck selected-internal minimum spanning tree problem 75
Session Session Session Session Session C1 : Applications Applications ApplicationsApplications Applications Applications (II)
1. Mining Weighted Frequent Itemsets 81
2. Key substitution attacks on TSO et al.’s short signature scheme 86
3. CUDA 架構下的平行化局部診斷設計與模擬 90
4. 視覺多人多重機密分享 96
5. 開發全向輪型機器人系統上的立體視覺功能 102
SessionSessionSession Session A2 : Combinatorial Algorithms : Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms : Combinatorial Algorithms : Combinatorial Algorithms : Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms: Combinatorial Algorithms : Combinatorial Algorithms
1. Solving the Subcircuit Extraction Problem by Using Bit-Parallel Filtering Algorithm 110
2. An Improved Algorithm for Exact String Matching Based-on the Turbo BNDM Algorithm 118
3. An Exact String Matching Algorithm Based upon Selective Matching Order
and Branch and Bound Approach 125
4. On the bottleneck partial terminal Steiner tree problem 132
5. An exact algorithm for correlation clustering on labelled items 137
6. On the Parallel Distributed List Update Problem 144
Session Session Session Session Session B2 : Graph Theory : Graph Theory: Graph Theory : Graph Theory : Graph Theory: Graph Theory
1. Contractible Digraphs 150
2. On the Signed Domination Number of Torus Graphs 154
3. 2-rainbow Domination on Cylinders and Tori 157
4. On Power Domination Problem of Product Graphs 165
5. Power Domination on Chordal Rings 175
6. A Preliminary Result of Completely Independent Spanning Trees on Chordal Rings 180
Session Session Session Session Session C2 : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics
1. Protein Structure Alignment Algorithms and Visualization Web Services with Various Initial Methods on Cloud Platform 186
2. Evolutionary Algorithm In HPC Model For Protein Structure Prediction 193
3. An Automatic Micro-calcification Detection Method Based on Fractal Number Dimension 200
4. 分子對接模擬系統—以HADOOP 平台及CUDA 架構實作 206
5. 雙重底粒子族群最佳化於細胞週期相關控制基因之單核苷酸多型性條碼辨識 212
6. 使用基於人口統計資訊之基因演算法在臺北市自動體外心臟去顫器之 最佳化應用 218
Session Session Session Session Session A3 : Graph Algorithms : Graph Algorithms: Graph Algorithms : Graph Algorithms: Graph Algorithms: Graph Algorithms: Graph Algorithms: Graph Algorithms : Graph Algorithms : Graph Algorithms
1. Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Computing K-Terminal Reliability of d-Trapezoid Graphs 228
2. An Improving Algorithm for the Node-to-Set Disjoint Paths Problem on Bi-Rotator Graphs 233
3. A Fault Diagnostic Algorithm of General Biswapped Networks 240
4. Conditional Fault-Tolerance of Hamiltonian Cycles for Crossed Cubes 246
5. Embedding torus into hierarchical crossed cubes 255
6. Counting Independent Sets in a Co-comparability Graph 260
Session Session Session Session Session B3 : Interconnection Networks : Interconnection Networks : Interconnection Networks: Interconnection Networks: Interconnection Networks: Interconnection Networks : Interconnection Networks: Interconnection Networks : Interconnection Networks : Interconnection Networks: Interconnection Networks: Interconnection Networks : Interconnection Networks
1. Mutually Independent Hamiltonian Cycles of Ck * Ck+1 255
2. The m-pancycle-connectivity of Basic WK-recursive Pyramids 273
3. A Study on Scalable Parallelism and Integrity in Honeycomb Networks 280
4. Omega-Wide Diameters of Pyramid Networks 287
5. On the Two-Disjoint-Cycle-Cover Pancyclicity of Crossed Cubes 297
6. On the existence of vertex transitive 4-ordered hamiltonian and 4-ordered hamiltonian connected cubic graphs 305

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:組合數學、演算法、計算理論
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:321
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立東華大學資訊工程系
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:國立東華大學資訊工程系 姓名:葉子綺 電話:03-8634012 地址:97401 花蓮縣壽豐鄉大學路二段1號