International Education And Indigenous Peoples:Canadian Students In Taiwan volume 1

International Education And Indigenous Peoples:Canadian Students In Taiwan volume 1

  • 統一編號GPN:1010402340
  • 出版日期:2015/11
  • 作/編/譯者:Scott Simon
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:179
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9789860465303
  • 出版單位:國立東華大學
  • 開數:A5
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$200

For over a decade, I have been doing research with Truku, Tkedaya, and Teuda people in Taiwan. I say doing research with, rather than about, indigenous people, because my philosophy is that research is a collaborative effort that includes the choice of topic, methods, collection of information and stories, and, to the extent possible, diffusion of research results. Yet, a professor’s work is more than research. In fact, the most public part of our jobs is teaching undergraduate students. This year, in spite of the great distance from Canada to Taiwan, I was able to fulfill a long-held dream: to teach indigenous studies in Taiwan with the same indigenous knowledge holders who have so generously nourished my research for so long.


Table of Contents
Preface (Chunfa Tung) .............................................. 001
Introduction (Scott Simon) ......................................... 003
Biographies ........................................................ 011
Part 1: Visit to an Amis Community
Générations, Connexions, Guérison (Alexandra Dufour) ............... 019
Une Fin de Semaine Chez les Amis de la Baie de Jici
(Dalia Elena Tejeda Alix) .......................................... 025
Land and Water, Past and Present (David Kornhauser) ................ 031
The Melody of Life (Inna Kandé) .................................... 037
Learning from the Amis (Jasmin Goldstein) .......................... 041
Redefining Knowledge and Identity in Amis (Leah Quinlan) ............047
Première Réflexion (Loïc Trottier-Le Bossé) ........................ 053
Taiwanese Gastronomy (Madeleine McKay) ............................. 059
Connecting to the Ocean: A Trip to the Amis Community
(Nicole Maylor) .................................................... 065

Tourism and the Impact on Natural Beauty: A Reflective Essay
on the Amis Culture Excursion (Rebecca Stewart) .................... 071
Self-Determination and Land Claim Issues in Taiwan:
A Brief Reflection (Sarah Bowles) .................................. 077
Reflective Essay on the Amis Village Trip (Selena Hoffman) ......... 085
Le Premier Contact (Solveig Girard) ................................ 091
A Whole World of Meaning behind the Song without a Meaning
(Yusra Kabir) ...................................................... 097
Part 2: Visit to a Truku Community
Un Arc-En-Ciel de Bonté (Alexandra Dufour) ......................... 105
Un Choix Déchirant Entre la Reconnaissance des Droits des
Autochtones Sur Leurs Terres Ancestrales et la Conservation
de la Nature (Dalia Elena Tejeda Alix) ............................. 109
A People of the Mountains and of the Uphill Climb
(David Kornhauser) ................................................. 115
Finding Oneself (Inna Kandé) ....................................... 121
Learning from the Truku (Jasmin Goldstein) ......................... 125

The Sacred Mountain and the Spirituality of Nature
(Leah Quinlan) ..................................................... 131
Deuxième Réflexion (Loïc Trottier-Le Bossé) ........................ 137
Vulnerable Research (Madeleine McKay) .............................. 143
Gaining Strength from the Mountains (Nicole Maylor) ................ 149
A Reflective Essay on the Taroko Trip (Rebecca Stewart) ............ 153
Access to Natural Resources and Hunting Rights for Truku
(Sarah Bowles) ..................................................... 157
A Challenging Weekend with the Truku (Selena Hoffman) .............. 163
La Face Cachée de la Montagne (Solveig Girard) ..................... 169
To be a Real Human Being: A Hike to the Skadang Village
(Yusra Kabir) ...................................................... 175

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:International Education And Indigenous Peoples:Canadian Students In Taiwan volume 1
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:International Education, Indigenous Peoples
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:179
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立東華大學
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:原住民民族學院 姓名:潘平芸 電話:03-8635754 地址:974花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路二段一號