2018 Annual Report of the Control Yuan

2018 Annual Report of the Control Yuan

  • 統一編號GPN:1010800865
  • 出版日期:2019/05
  • 作/編/譯者:監察院
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:70
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9789860592269
  • 出版單位:監察院
  • 開數:16開
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$100

為使國際社會瞭解監察院2018年的績效,特編印英文版年報,內容包含: 院長序言、2018年績效概要、歷史沿革、組織圖、國際交流、6大調查案例,以及各項職權介紹如收受人民書狀、調查、巡察、彈劾、糾正、糾舉、審計、陽光四法等。


Part 1 2018 Highlights: An Overview of Work Performance.....2
Part 2 R.O.C. Supervision System in Brief...............................8
Part 3 Our Performance .............................................................14
Handling Complaints and Assuring Good Governance......... 14
Receipt of People’s Complaints ................................................... 14
Investigation.................................................................................. 17
Impeachment, Censure, and Corrective Measures .................... 18
Audit.................................................................................................. 24
Sunshine Acts................................................................................. 27
Property-Declaration by Public Servants..................................... 27
Conflicts of Interest....................................................................... 29
Political Donations ........................................................................ 31
Lobbying Act ................................................................................. 33
Online Declaration Service........................................................... 33
Human Rights Protection ............................................................. 34
International Exchange ................................................................. 38
Attending International Conferences ........................................... 38
Receiving International Visitors.....................................................41
Part 4 Case Summaries: Bringing Our Powers to Bear.......46
Reducing Public Expenditures.................................................... 46
Case 1: CY Probe Leads to Improvements in Fuel Tax
Collection Efficiency........................................................ 46
Case 2: CY Investigation Leads to Idle Public Facility Being
Put to Good Use ............................................................. 47
Upholding Discipline ..................................................................... 49
Case 1: CY Proposals in Fraud Investigation Lead to
Improved Corruption Prevention.....................................49
Case 2: CY Attains Substantial Achievements in Fighting
Safeguarding Human Rights........................................................ 51
Case 1: CY Presses for Enhanced Off-Campus Rental Fire
Safety Assessment Work................................................ 51
Case 2: CY Probes Wheelchair-Accessible Taxi Program,
Urges MOTC to Revise Subsidy Guidelines ................. 53
▌List of Tables and Graphs
► The Five-Power Constitutional System of Republic of China ................ 9
► Sources of Complaints in 2018 ........................................................... 15
► Categories of Complaints Received in 2018........................................ 16
► Statistics on Cases Investigated by the CY in 2018 ............................ 18
► Official Ranks of the Impeached in 2018............................................. 20
► Occupational Types of the Impeached in 2018.................................... 20
► Corrective Measures Proposed by the Respective Committees
in 2018................................................................................................. 23
► The Audited Entities............................................................................. 24
► Cases Reported by the NAO to the CY in 2018 .................................. 26
► Timeline of the Sunshine Acts.............................................................. 27
► Statistics on Cases of Property-Declaration by Public Servants
in 2018................................................................................................. 29
► Types of Interest .................................................................................. 30
► Conflicts of Interest: Violations and Penalties...................................... 31
► Maximum Amount of Political Donations per Year............................... 32
► Statistics on Political Donation Fines in 2018...................................... 32


As one of the five branches of the central government under the Constitution, the Control Yuan (CY) exercises its powers independently, and is responsible for rectifying official conduct, ensuring government ethics, protecting human rights and redressing grievances. The CY investigates violations of the law and misconduct by public servants and pursues administrative accountability against offending government agencies, obliging public servants at the central and local government levels to maintain vigilance against potential malfeasance. Serving as a national human rights institution, the CY is devoted to protecting human rights and supervising government with a high sense of mission to ensure good governance. In 2018, the fifth-term CY Members maintained an independent position and actively exercised the CY’s powers, impeaching 36 public officials for a range of offenses in 18 cases in sum, as well as proposing a total of 100 corrective measures against various government ministries and agencies, and sending 306 letters with recommendations for improvements. Following the recommendations of the corrective measures helped save the government a total of NT$16.196 billion (US$522.45 million), including NT$16.168 billion (US$521.55 million) in additional revenue and NT$28 million (US$900 thousand) in reduced spending. During the year, the CY handled a total of 16,212 filed complaints by citizens, with 14,014 involving alleged human rights violations. Among the total of 345 investigation reports reviewed and passed by the committees and selected by CY members last year, 221 were related to human rights, with those concerning the right to subsistence and health (54 reports), the right to judicial impartiality (35 reports) and the right to property (34 reports) ranking as the top three, indicating that the government needs to strengthen protection of these rights. The CY also continued actively engaging with the international community in 2018. We had the privilege of hosting many prominent visiting dignitaries, such as International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) Second Vice President Chris Field, Australasian and Pacific Ombudsman Region (APOR) Regional Director Peter Boshier, Ombudsman of Belize Lionel Arzu, as well as delegations from Latin America, South Korea, Australia, Guatemala and Honduras. Meanwhile, CY delegations visited the IOI headquarters and attended the 30th APOR Conference and 23rd annual conference of the Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman. This year, the CY will hold the 31st APOR Conference as well as an International Workshop on Human Rights, providing an opportunity for Taiwan to share its experience and achievements in and contributions to the protection of human rights and the promotion of good governance. Looking ahead, the CY will continue to actively carry out its duties of safeguarding human rights and ensuring the government’s compliance with related international conventions, as well as supervising government in order to ensure honest and able administration in keeping with the public’s expectations.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:2018 Annual Report of the Control Yuan
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:Annual Report of the Control Yuan
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:70
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:監察院
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:綜合規劃室 姓名:王俞斐 電話:02-23413183-619 地址:臺北市忠孝東路1段2號