Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Pacific TELL Conference (PPTELL 2019)

Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Pacific TELL Conference (PPTELL 2019)

  • 統一編號GPN:1010801127
  • 出版日期:2019/07
  • 作/編/譯者:Yu-Ju Lan
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:102
  • 裝訂:平裝


21 世紀的學習者面臨前所未有的挑戰,聰明、高效、有效的終身學習是學習者、教育者和研究者的共同目標。為此,第二屆泛太平洋科技促進語言學習研討會(PPTELL 2019)聚焦於科技促進語言學習領域的智慧學習環境(SLE)問題,目的是檢驗語言學習的關鍵要素,例如有效性、靈活性和適應性,並從 SLE 的角度呈現本領域至今的研究成果。 PPTELL 2019 旨在為經驗豐富的研究者創造機會,展示他們在 SLE 語言學習方面的最新研究成果。通過學科內與跨學科的互動,本次會議確立了能夠促進學術界和產業界多元化合作的目標,並呈現 TELL 領域的蓬勃發展。本次會議來稿踴躍,經過評選,最終有21人在會議中發表論文,其中有 8 人獲邀提交其完整論文,以納入本次會議論文集。


Table of Contents Organization..................................................................................... ii
Program Committee Members..................................................................................... iii
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
Investigating Learners’ Preferences for Devices in Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning ....................................................................................................................... 4
Chinese Undergraduates’ Perspectives on a SPOC Embedded Flipped Classroom................................................................................................................... 16
Evaluation of Diagnostic Feedback in Online Learning Platform................................ 29
Empowering Second and Foreign Language Learners with Microcosmic Autonomy through Digital Technologies...................................................................................... 42
Participatory Development and Application of Listening Resources for Chinese as a Foreign Language: Extending from textbook to studentbased listening resource ..................................................................................................................... 58
The Effect of Syntopical Reading Model for Deep Learning on Students’ Idea Generation and Text Comprehension......................................................................... 71
How do English Learners Experience Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in Hong Kong and Mainland China?.................................................................................................. 78


籃玉如目前任教於國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系,擔任教授一職,並榮獲國立臺灣師範大學特聘教授獎勵。為美國賓州大學、北德州大學、澳洲蒙那許大學、香港教育大學訪問學者。任教於大學之前,籃教授曾在台灣兩所小學擔任教師超過20年,由於熱愛語言學習及與學生們一起活動並協助他們學習,她的研究領域即以幫助以華語為外語(Chinese as foreign language)與以英語為外語(English as a foreign language)的學習者在各式的學習環境下學習語言,滿足學習者個別化的學習需求。她帶領的Situated and Immersive TELL Lab,負責執行多項利用科技促進語言學習的研究計畫,計畫內容涵蓋如何有效利用VR科技以及行動學習來提升語言學習者的語言能力與學習動機。研究結果皆已發表於國際知名期刊,如Language Learning & Technology (LL&T), Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Educational Technology & Society (ET&S), Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D), Computers & Education (CAE), 以及Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET)等。


Introduction Given that learners in the 21th century are facing unprecedented challenges, learning on the lifelong continuum is a consensus of learners, educators, and researchers. How to learn smartly and efficiently and effectively is the very aim shared by all of us. To echo this, the 2nd PanPacific Technology Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL 2019) focuses on the issue of smart learning environments (SLE) in the field of technology-enhanced language learning with the purpose of examining the crucial elements in language learning such as effectiveness, flexibility and adaptability, and reflecting previous findings from the perspective of SLE. PPTELL 2019 aims to create an opportunity for experienced researchers to present their latest research findings in language learning in SLEs. Through intra-disciplinary and interdisciplinary interactions, this conference successfully establishes a goal to promote diverse forms of cooperation between academia and industry; and to present thriving development of TELL. This year we had received many good submissions. With the supports and efforts of the program committee members, 21 of them were finally selected to be presented at PPTELL 2019. Among the selected submission, 8 were invited to submit their whole articles and included in this proceeding. The first paper, entitled “Investigating learners’ preferences for devices in mobile-assisted vocabulary learning” was written by Han and Lin. This work investigated Taiwanese senior high school students’ preferences for devices in learning vocabulary. A total of 111 11th graders participated in this study. After a four-week program, the participants expressed their high preference of mobile phones for learning vocabulary. In the second paper, Tang examined Chinese undergraduates’ perspectives on a small private online course (SPOC) embedded flipped classroom. 150 English-major undergraduates from a public university in Mainland China participated in this study. The findings about students’ autonomous, active, and collaborative learning skills were reported. Some issues for future research are also provided. The third paper, entitled “Evaluation of diagnostic feedback in online learning platform,” documented how Huang, Zheng, Zhu, and Chiotis developed a diagnostic feedback system to address a cognitive gap between a learner’s current level of performance and some desire level of performance. Based on the preliminary evidence obtained from 108 undergraduates indicates that the system was able to inspire students to spend more time on their learning and consequently promote their test performance. The fourth paper by Chen and Liu aimed at expanding the view of learner autonomy, i.e., a macrocosmic autonomy. They provided pedagogical suggestions for how to promote the macrocosmic autonomy step by step via various digital technologies in the L2 classrooms. Liao, Cheng, and Chang, in the fifth paper entitled “The effects of computer-generated feedbacks and their impact on students’ Chinese writing,” investigated how students were benefited from obtaining computer-generated feedback on their writing. A total of 85 sixth graders participated in this study. 43 of them were assigned in the experimental group and the others in the contrast group. The former group learned in a personalized feedback writing environment while the other group in a conventional feedback environment. The results show that the students of experimental group outperformed than their peers in the contrast group. In the sixth paper, entitled “Participatory development and application of listening resources for Chinese as a foreign language: Extending from textbook to student-based listening resource,” authored by Wang, adopting a design-based research to propose an operational mode for participatory development and application of listening resources in mobile learning environment. The seventh paper documents how Chang, Yang, Liao, and Chan developed a syntopical reading model for providing students with multiple theme-based texts to improve the knowledge breadth of students. The results show that the students learned with the proposed system made the highest level of progress comparing with their peers without the supports of the system. Last, but not least, the eighth paper by Yang and Lai, entitled “How do English learners experience mobile-assisted language learning in Hong Kong and Mainland China?” aimed at understanding the perspectives of student teachers on pedagogies and practice in MALL for English teaching. All the previously listed papers provide insights into the potential of combining digital technology, contexts, and pedagogies for language learning. More areas for future research will undoubtedly be identified by reading the articles contained in this proceeding.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:語言學習
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:102
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系 姓名:籃玉如 電話:(02) 7749-5479 地址:台北市和平東路一段162號