Communications Market Report 2019

Communications Market Report 2019




Foreword — 4
01 Overview of Communications in Taiwan — 5
Telecommunications — 6
Broadcasting — 7
02 Survey of Development of Digital Convergence — 9
Methodology — 10
Results — 13
03 Domestic and International Trends of Digital Convergence — 27
Comparison of Supplied Data — 28
Comparison of 5G Policies — 30
04 Conclusions — 31
Telecommunications Market — 32
Broadcasting Market — 33
Broadband Usage — 34
Digital Convergence — 35
Development Trend of Digital Convergence in Taiwan — 37


In response to the development of communications convergence and global regulatory reforms, the Fundamental Communications Act and The National Communications Commission Organization Act were promulgated in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Consequently, the responsibility for overseeing telecommunications and broadcasting was combined, which led to NCC being officially established on Feb. 22, 2006.
NCC is an independent agency established under the Basic Code Governing Central Administrative Agencies Organizations, dedicated to exercising its functions and responsibilities pursuant to laws independently. By referring to the experience of the management of communications in advanced countries, the Executive Yuan integrated the responsibilities of the Directorate Genera l of Telecommunications and Government Information Office to oversee telecommunications and broadcasting and ensure that an independent regulatory agency could govern the communications sector. Consequently, NCC is responsible for the formulation of policies, regulatory oversight, market competition, management of resources and consumers' rights, adhering to values such as professionalism, diversity and efficiency, as well as for establishing a sound environment for the communications sector and upgrading digitization.


Continual rapid development in information and communications technologies is clearly the driving force behind the flourishing digital economy. Consequently, the communications sector has become more vital than ever to a nation's economy and its overall development. This can be underscored by the use of communications services not only affecting business operations and technological development within the communications industry, but also playing a key role in other sectors. Conducting a comprehensive survey of communications thereby provides valuable insight to national development and has long been a means for organizations, such as Ofcom, the communications regulator in the UK, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan, KCC in Korea and IMDA in Singapore, to ascertain consumer behavior so that information can be regularly compiled and analyzed so as to determine key statistics and specific trends of the communications industry. Likewise, The National Communications Commission (NCC) of Taiwan conducted its first comprehensive communications market survey in 2017. The aim of this year's survey was to acquire objective and detailed data on consumer behaviors and the status of the innovative applications through a comprehensive and in-depth investigation. Subsequently, the acquired information may serve as an indicator of the development of the digital economy of Taiwan, as well as a reference when determining future policies and regulations. Part Ⅰ: Overview of Communications in Taiwan provides an outline of the communications industry in Taiwan. Part Ⅱ: Survey of Development of Digital Convergence in Communications begins with an outline of the background and research methods undertaken for this survey. The questionnaire was designed with particular referral to those conducted by Ofcom. With respect to sampling, a stratified three-stage probabilities proportional to size sampling was employed. In the first and second stages, samples were allocated based on the PPS principle; while in the third stage, samples were selected using purpose sampling and interviews to survey how Taiwanese people aged 16 and over use services in four categories: Telecommunications, Broadcasting, Broadband Usage, and Digital Convergence. In addition to the methods and structure, limitations of the sampling structure, samples received and the sample reasoning of this survey have all been clearly explained. Thus, this report contains the results of the four surveys of telecommunications, broadcasting, broadband usage and digital convergence, which have then been combined to present an overall analysis and provide a comprehensive picture of consumer behavior in Taiwan. Then, a cross analysis including region, gender, age and marriage status has been shown to indicate the differences between groups. Part Ⅲ contains a comparison of domestic and international trends of digital convergence, whereby both international trends and global development in the communications industry have been shown alongside those of Taiwan. And then, in Part Ⅳ, final conclusions are given, as well as some suggestions for further consideration.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 出版品網址(線上版或試閱版):連結
  • 適用對象:成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:Communications,Market Report,Industry Trends,Digital Convergence,Survey
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:40
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國家通訊傳播委員會
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:綜合規劃處 姓名:鄭文華 電話:02-33438153 地址:台北市中正區仁愛路一段50號