The National Palace Museum Guidebook

The National Palace Museum Guidebook

  • 統一編號GPN:1010900800
  • 出版日期:2020/06
  • 作/編/譯者:Yung-Tai HuangPei-Chin Yu
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:224
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9789575628338
  • 出版單位:國立故宮博物院
  • 開數:25.5 X 17公分
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$550



Table of Contents
About This Book
A Brief History
The Collection
Paintings and Calligraphy
Rare Books and Historical Documents
Rare Books
Qing Archives
Religious Texts
Ming and Qing Dynasty Maps
New Acquisitions
Religious Artworks
Museum Service
Preservation and Conservation
Educational Outreach Programs
Cultural Creativity Development
Digital Development
Architecture and Landscaping
Tips for Travelling and Visiting
Appendix: Timeline


Chief Editors:Yung-Tai Huang, Pei-Chin Yu
Managing Editor:Hsiu ching Cho
Editorial Team: Hsiang-Wen Chang, Li Chang, Hui-hsia Chen, Tung-Ho Chen, Yuh-Shiow Chen,
Han-yun Cheng, Li-Jung Cheng, Wingcheong Cheng, I-Wen Chou, Wei-Ru Chou,
Lung-Hsing Chu, Eric Tzu-yin Chung, Yi-Li Hou, Hsiao-Te Hsu, Wen-mei Hsu,
Lu-Wen Hu, Lan-yin Huang, Tsai-Fa Huang, Yun-Ju Huang, Sun-hsin Hung,
Hsiu-Lan Kang, Chih-I Lai, Kuo-Sheng Lai, Huei-hsien Lin, James Quo-Ping Lin,
Jung-I Lin, Lina Lin, Wan-Hsuan Lin, Fang-ju Liu, Kuo-wei Liu, Sheueyann Lu, Yi-Wan Lu,
Tzu-Cheng Peng, Ching-fong Su, Chao-lin Sung, Ching-Liang Tsai, Jigang Tseng,
Liang-Chung Wang, Yao-feng Wang, Yunn-Ning Wang, Yu-wen Weng, Hsiao-Yun Wu,
Shao-Chun Wu, Wang hen Wu, Su-fen Yen (in alphabetical order)
Translators:Mattias Swenson Daly, Shih-han Huang (Rare Books and Historical Documents)


本書是本院近10年首次編輯出版的故宮簡介導覽書之英文版,也是第一本同時導讀南、北院區精華文物、景觀與歷史的導覽書,全部內容由本院研究同仁等撰述與編輯。書名The National Palace Museum Guidebook (故宮概覽英文版),是希冀讓新觀眾、熟客觀眾,都能藉由這本設計精巧、容易攜帶的小書,一次縱覽故宮的歷史、典藏展覽精華、友善親近觀眾的服務與參觀資訊。對於英文讀者而言,更是一本可以快速認識故宮的關鍵導覽書。 本書分為四個章節,第一章「走向現代 故宮簡史」介紹故宮院史,含文物搬遷經過,以及館舍興建與院區的擴展,展現故宮由早期宮廷格局走向國際級現代博物館的歷程。第二章「至寶上珍 典守文物」介紹精選藏品與展覽,從近七十萬件中精選出的86件故宮文物,包含了最受歡迎的熱門藏品、難得出現的限展國寶、以及令人激賞的新入典藏作品,所選藏品包括陶瓷、青銅器、玉器、珍玩、 繪畫、書法、善本古籍、檔案、輿圖、宗教藝術、織品等。此章節中也介紹了常設展覽與主題展覽,讓讀者按圖索驥,規劃參觀路線。第三章「少長咸集 友善服務」呈現了故宮近年來在文物的保存修復、教育推廣、文創行銷、結合數位科技等博物館幕後工作的努力,以讓更多不同族群的觀眾可以深入故宮文物。第四章「恢弘靈秀 建築景觀」介紹故宮北部與南部兩個院區的周邊景觀,從外雙溪北部院區的古典庭園,到嘉義南部院區的宏偉建築,都是值得一遊的景點。最後也提供了方便參閱的交通與參觀資訊。 This book is the new official guide to the National Palace Museum (NPM), more than a decade since the last guidebook was published. In addition to offering a full revision and updates to the major artworks in the NPM's collection, this text will also help readers explore new horizons of the museum. First-timers to the NPM will benefit most from this book, and conceivably receive a comprehensive overview of the whole museum. Readers who have been to the museum many times will enjoy comparing the artworks selected by the NPM's departmental curators with their own preferences. Perusing the pages of this text can lead to finding new curiosities, or rediscovering old favorites. This book is organized as follows: The first part briefs the history of the NPM, including the journey of the collection to Taiwan. It also traces the expansion of the museum's buildings and sites, in line with the NPM's continued efforts to evolve from imperial tradition into a modern, world-class museum. The second part of the book showcases 86 artworks in the NPM's collection, including the museum's most beloved pieces, rarely seen treasures, and exciting new acquisitions. The selected works in this text are just several of the nearly 700,000 items in the NPM's collection, including ceramics, bronzes, jades, curios, paintings, calligraphy, rare books, archival materials, maps, textiles, and religious artworks. Shifting exhibit themes not only reflect a global perspective and increased diversity, but also offer intriguing insight into the NPM's considerations when building and shaping its unique collection. In addition to managing its collections and exhibitions, the NPM's recent endeavors in conservation, education, cultural creativity, research, and development are also presented in the third part of this book. It is the NPM's intention to invite diverse audiences to appreciate the beauty of the museum's collections, from multiple perspectives. As one of the world's most famous museums, the NPM has been a top destination for travelers ever since it first opened to the public in 1965. Millions of domestic and international visitors will find useful information on the NPM and nearby scenery at the end of this book, offering an indispensable look at both the NPM's classically reimagined Northern Branch on a Taipei hillside and the dazzling Southern Branch in Chiayi. Whether a regular visitor or someone who hasn't yet made the trip, this richly illustrated and beautifully designed text is invaluable.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:The National Palace Museum Guidebook
  • 適用對象:成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:國立故宮博物院,博物館導覽
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:224
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立故宮博物院
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:文創行銷處 姓名:高登賢科長 電話:28812021 #2380 地址:台北市至善路2段221號