NCC Performance Report. 2019

NCC Performance Report. 2019




List of Figures — 3
List of Tables — 3
Preface — 4
Introduction of NCC — 6
Results of Domestic Communications Policies — 9
Overview of the Communications Market — 9
Broadband Networks to Facilitate the Digital Economy — 12
Development of Radio & Television Industries and Protection of the Rights and Interests of Audiences — 16
International Exchanges with view to Internet Governance — 18
Converged Environment to Power Digital Lives — 22
Legal Framework for Digital Convergence and Innovation — 24
Upgrading Cyber Security Systems and Securing Communications — 27
Prospects and Vision — 29


In response to the development of communications convergence and global regulatory reforms, the Fundamental Communications Act and The National Communications Commission Organization Act were promulgated in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Consequently, the responsibility for overseeing telecommunications and broadcasting was combined, which led to NCC being officially established on Feb. 22, 2006.
NCC is an independent agency established under the Basic Code Governing Central Administrative Agencies Organizations, dedicated to exercising its functions and responsibilities pursuant to laws independently. By referring to the experience of the management of communications in advanced countries, the Executive Yuan integrated the responsibilities of the Directorate Genera l of Telecommunications and Government Information Office to oversee telecommunications and broadcasting and ensure that an independent regulatory agency could govern the communications sector. Consequently, NCC is responsible for the formulation of policies, regulatory oversight, market competition, management of resources and consumers' rights, adhering to values such as professionalism, diversity and efficiency, as well as for establishing a sound environment for the communications sector and upgrading digitization.


Chapter one of this NCC Performance Report 2019 introduces the organizational structure and administrative operation model of the National Communications Commission (NCC) with view to ensuring the general public can gain deeper understanding of the roles NCC play in the communications industry. Chapter two, entitled Performance Results of Domestic Communications Policies, outlines various communications policies and regulations promoted by NCC during 2019, encompassing various aspects of communications, international exchange, digital inclusion, convergence of laws and regulations, and protection of information security working in line with the EXecutive Yuan to implement national information and communication policies. In the aspect of communications, fiXed network services in Taiwan now provide access to services at Gbps level or above. As for mobile broadband networks, in addition to the high accessibility and 4G coverage, NCC issued the first phase of 5G service licenses in February 2020, demonstrating that broadband with increasingly larger bandwidth, lower latency, and connectivity for more devices has become an indispensable element for the next- generation services. Turning to media communications, NCC also supports cable television operators to broadcast HD contents over basic channels, promotes 4K video streaming services and encourages business operators to provide outstanding services and enhance program quality. As communications services are inseparable from people's daily life, NCC actively revises relevant laws and regulations and proposes whitepapers on communication policies as Taiwan's implantation blueprint of radio and television policies. As for international exchanges, by participating in international conferences or organizing international forums in Taiwan, NCC can gain insight to policies and regulations, as well as take the opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of Taiwan in communications internationally through various means and discussions with industry, government, and academic representatives. For its digital inclusion implementation, NCC has improved high-speed broadband access services in remote regions, so that the people in those areas can access the same level of broadband services provided to urban areas. In addition, high-speed broadband networks in remote regions are able to facilitate various innovative applications and services, such as smart healthcare, smart education, and smart agriculture, to facilitate the development of local economic, further reducing the digital divide between urban and rural areas. NCC has also taken various approaches to ensure that beneficial results in digital convergence remain widespread, such as subsidizing audio descriptions for video productions, improving the recognition of the television rating system, and increasing media literacy ability. For preparation and convergence of regulations, key achievements include the Telecommunications Management Act declared by the President in June 2019, the draft of the Digital Communications Act, and draft of the Media Diversity Governance and Monopolization Prevention Act. Adjustment in convergence of regulations benefits various innovative applications and services, as well as responds to the digital evolution and emerging models of communications businesses and services. With respects to information security, NCC has established a remote backup center for the National Communications and Cyber Security Center to enhance communications network operation and management. NCC also continues to supervise telecom operators to improve security management for server rooms, organize security trainings, and conduct drills for key infrastructure protections. These efforts enhance security protection capabilities and operation sustainability, and ensure the rights and interests of citizens in Taiwan. As outlined in chapter three, Prospects and Vision, NCC will continue to enhance the communications infrastructure in Taiwan and implement major information and communications programs. NCC encourages communications business operators to link to various emerging technologies based on high- speed broadband networks, strive for digital transformation, and build strong foundations for the digital economy, which by nature crosses borders meaning communications industries should expect to face more competitive and rapidly changing markets. Consequently, NCC is committed to rising to this challenge in an increasingly diversified environment to develop appropriate policies and regulations and facilitate the development of an effective regulatory structure for communications in the digital economy, ultimately ensuring the best conditions are in place in Taiwan to power our future new digital lives.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 出版品網址(線上版或試閱版):連結
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:通訊傳播,績效報告,國家通訊傳播委員會,NCC
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:30
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國家通訊傳播委員會
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:綜合規劃處 電話:02-33438116 地址:台北市仁愛路一段50號