

  • 統一編號GPN:1010901303
  • 出版日期:2020/10
  • 作/編/譯者:嘉義縣政府
  • 語言:中英對照
  • 頁數:146
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9789865424435
  • 出版單位:嘉義縣政府
  • 開數:13.5公分*10公分
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:未定價


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壹、土地 1.Land
1.縣境界 ………………………………………1 Table 1.Boundary of County……………………………1
2.本縣已登錄土地使用情形………………… 3 Table 2.Classification of Registered Land
in Chiayi County……………………………….3
貳、人口 2.Population
3.本縣現住人口與密度……………………… 5 Table 3.Population and Density in Chiayi County……5
4.本縣人口出生死亡及自然增加率 ………… 7 Table 4. Birth,Death and Natural-Increase
in Chiayi County……………………………….7
5.本縣人口遷入遷出及社會增加率………… 9 Table 5.Immigrants,Emigrants and Social-Increase
in Chiayi County……………………………….9
6.本縣現住人口之年齡分配………………… 11 Table 6.Population by Age in Chiayi County...………11
7.本縣扶養人口比率………………………… 13 Table 7.Dependency Ratio of Chiayi County.……….13
8.本縣滿十五歲以上現住人口之教育程度… 15 Table 8.Educational Attainment of Population
Aged 15 and Over in Chiayi County………..15
9.本縣原住民戶口數………………………… 17 Table 9.Aborigines Households in Chiayi County…..17
參、行政組織 3.Administrative Organization
10.嘉義縣政府行政組織圖…………………… 19 Table 10.Organic Chart of Chiayi County
11.本縣各鄉鎮市村里、鄰、戶數…………… 21 Table 11.Number of Village,Neighborhood and
Hoisehold in Chiayi County.……………….21
12.本縣現任公教人員性別…………………… 22 Table 12.Actual Number of Personnel
in Chiayi County by Sex…………………….…22
13.本縣現任公教人員年齡…………………… 23 Table 13.Actual Number of Person in Chiayi
County Government by Age…………….……23
14.本縣現任公教人員教育程度……………… 25 Table 14.Actual Number of Personnel in Chiayi
County Government by Educational
15.本縣縣長選舉概況………………………… 27 Table 15.Election of County Magistrate in
Chiayi County ……………………………….….27
16.本縣中央民代選舉概況…………………… 29 Table 16.Central public sentiment representative
in Chiayi County ………………………….……29
17.本縣縣議員選舉概況……………………… 31 Table 17.Election of County Councilors in
Chiayi County…………………..………………31
18.本縣第18屆各鄉鎮市長選舉概況…………33 Table 18.The 18th Election Results of Township Chief
in Chiayi County…………………………..……33
19.本縣第21屆各鄉鎮市民代表選舉概況……35 Table 19.The 21th Election Results of Townships Assembly in Chiayi County ……………….…35
肆、農林漁牧 4.Agriculture,Forestry,Fishery and Livestock
20.本縣農業戶口數及耕地面積……………… 37 Table 20.Farm Families and Cultivated Land Area……37
21.本縣耕地面積……………………………… 39 Table 21.Cultivated Land Area in Chiayi County………39
22.本縣主要農作物收穫面積及產量………… 43 Table 22.Harvested Area and Production of
Major Crops…………………….………………43
23.本縣主要果品收穫面積及產量…………… 53 Table 23.Harvested Area and Production of
Major Fruits………………………………….… 53
24.本縣森林主產物採伐面積及生產量……… 57 Table 24.Felling of the Trees and Bamboo in
Chiayi County…………………………………57
25.本縣漁戶及漁民數………………………… 59 Table 25.Fishermen Household and Population
in Chiayi County……………………………….59
26.本縣水產養殖面積………………………… 61 Table 26.Aquaculture Area by Species in
Chiayi County………………………………….61
27.本縣漁業生產量…………………………… 63 Table 27.Fishery Production in Chiayi County...……....63
28.本縣家畜禽現有頭數……………………… 65 Table 28.Number of Livestock and Poultry
in Chiayi County……………………………… 65
伍、工商建設 5.Industry Commerce Construction
29.本縣公司登記家數及資本額-按行業別分…67 Table 29.Number and Capital of Companies Existing
Registered in Chiayi County By Industry.…67
30.本縣營運中工廠家數……………………… 71 Table 30.Number of Factories in Operating…………...71
31.本縣商業登記家數及資本額……………… 72 Table 31.Number and Capital of Business Entities
Existing Register in Chiayi County.………… 72
32.本縣都市計畫區域內公共工程…………… 73 Table 32.The Implementation Amount for Public
Works of Urban Planning in Chiayi County…73
33.本縣實施都市計畫區域面積、人口與容積率 Table 33.Aira、Population and Area of Practicing
地區面積…………………………………… 75 Holding Space Rate Within Urban
Planning in Chiayi County……………………75
34.本縣防洪工程實施………………………… 79 Table 34.Flood Control Works in Chiayi County………79
陸、金融財稅 6.Fiance、Banking
35.本縣歲入預算……………………………… 81 Table 35.Budget Account of Revenues in
Chiayi County.…………………………………81
36.本縣歲出預算……………………………… 83 Table 36.Budget Account of Expenditures in
Chiayi County.…………………………………83
37.本縣歲入決算……………………………… 85 Table 37.Settled Account of Revenues in
Chiayi County.…………………………………85
38.本縣歲出決算……………………………… 87 Table 38.Settled Account of Expenditures in
Chiayi County.…………………………………87
39.本縣各項稅捐實徵數……………………… 89 Table 39.The Actual Collection of Local Taxes in
Chiayi County.…………………………………89
40.本縣歷年財政狀況………………………… 91 Table 40.Collection of Finance in Chiayi County………91
41.各鄉鎮市歲入預算………………………… 93 Table 41.Budget Account of Revenues of Township
Offices .…………………………………………93
42.各鄉鎮市歲出預算………………………… 95 Table 42.Budget Account of Expenditures of
Township Offices………………………………95
柒、交通運輸 7.Transportation
43.本縣車輛登記……………………………… 97 Table 43.Number of Registered Motor Vehicles in Chiayi County..97
捌、教育 8.Education
44.本縣各級學校概況 ……………………… 99 Table 44.Summary of Education at All Levels in
Chiayi County.………………………………. 99
45.本縣國民小學學生視力檢查………………101 Table 45.Eyesight for Elementary School
Students in Chiayi County.………………….101
46.本縣國民中學學生視力檢查………………102 Table 46.Eyesight for Junior High School
Students in Chiayi County.………………….102
47.本縣境內幼兒園概況………………………103 Table 47.Summary of Preschool in
Chiayi County……………………………….103
玖、衛生 9.Health
48.本縣主要死亡原因…………………………105 Table 48.Main Death Reason in Chiayi County.………105
49.本縣公私立醫療機構及其他醫事機構 Table 49.Number of Registered Medical
開執業場所醫事人員執業人數……………107 Personnel in Public and Private
Hospitals,Clinics,and Other Medical
Care Institutuins in Chiayi County……………107
50.本縣藥商家數………………………………111 Table 50.Number of Pharmaceutical Firms in
Chiayi County.…………………………………111
51.本縣傳染病預防接種人數…………………115 Table 51.Protective Inoculation in Chiayi County..……115
52.本縣公私立醫療機構數及病床數…………117 Table 52.Number of in Public and Private Hospitals,Clinics,and Beds in Chiayi County.…………………………………………117
拾、社會福利 10.Social Welfare
53.本縣人民團體數……………………………119 Table 53.Number of Civil Associations….. ……………119
54.本縣合作社概況……………………………121 Table 54.Conditions of Cooperative Societies.………..121
55.本縣低收入戶人口…………………………123 Table 55.Population of Low Income Household………123
56.本縣勞工團體概況…………………………125 Table 56.General Situation of Labor Union in
Chiayi County.…………………………………125
拾壹、民政 11.Civil Affairs
57.本縣宗教概況………………………………127 Table 57.General Condition of Religions in
Chiayi County.…………………………………127
拾貳、社會治安 12.Social Peace and Order
58.本縣刑事案件………………………………129 Table 58.Criminal Cases in Chiayi County…………….129
59.本縣道路交通事故次數及傷亡人數(A1)…131 Table 59.Traffic Accidents and Casualties in
Chiayi County(A1).……………………………131
60.本縣火災發生次數及損失情形……………133 Table 60.Losses of Fire Calamities in Chiayi County…133
拾參、公用事業 13.Public Undertakings
61.本縣公共汽車管理處營運概況……………135 Table 61.General Conditions of Bus Management
Office in Chiayi County..………………………135
62.郵政機構概況………………………………137 Table 62.Number of Post Offices and Postal Agencies……137
63.電力供應情形………………………………139 Table 63.The Supply Status of Electric Power..……….139
64.自來水供水普及率…………………………141 Table 64.Water Supply Rate of Population Served...…141
拾肆、家庭收支 14.Family Income and Expenditure
65.本縣家庭平均每戶全年經常性收入………143 Table 65.Average Family Income Per Household
in Chiayi County.………………………………143
66.本縣家庭平均每戶全年消費支出…………145 Table 66.Average Family Expenditure Per
Household in Chiayi County.…………………145





分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:統計手冊
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:146
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:嘉義縣政府