Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court    Volume Three

Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court Volume Three

  • 統一編號GPN:1010901690
  • 出版日期:2020/11
  • 作/編/譯者:司法院
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:400
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9789865454647
  • 出版單位:司法院
  • 開數:18開
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$400

收錄司法院大法官指標解釋英譯: 釋字第721 號、第325號、第585號、第461號、第435號、第632號、第329號、第627號、第419號、第520號、第613號、第530號、第216號、第601號、第185號、第177號、第741號、第599號、第328號、第553號及第527號解釋。


Table of Contents
Preface to Volume Threeix
II. Leading Cases
1. Legislature
No. 721 (Election of Party-list Proportional Representatives Case)9
No. 325 (The Parliamentary Power of Inquiry Case)17
No. 585 (Scope of Legislative Authority Case)25
No. 461 (Duty of the Chief of General Staff to Be Present and Answer Questions in Legislative Committees Case)65
No. 435 (Speech Immunity of Legislators Case)71
No. 632 (The Exercise of Constitutional Powers and the Duty of Loyal Cooperation of Constitutional Organs Case)75
No. 329 (Treaties Subject to the Parliamentary Deliberation of the Legislative Yuan Case)85
2. Executive
No. 627 (Presidential Immunity and Secret Privilege Case)91
No. 419 (Vice President Concurrently Assuming Office of Premier Case)111
No. 520 (Withholding of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant Budget Case)147
No. 613 (Legislative Authority over Executive Personnel Case)163
3. Judiciary
No. 530 (Administrative Supervision of the Supreme Judicial Institution Case)183
No. 216 (Judicial Review of Administrative Ordinances Case)193
No. 601 (Deletion of the Budget Appropriated as a Specialized Payment for the Justices Case)197
No. 185 (Remedies against Judgments that Rely upon Precedents Declared Unconstitutional Case) 221
No.177 (Permissibility of Retrial When a Relevant Provision of Law Not Applied Affects the Judgment Case)225
No.741 (Scope of Original Cases Eligible for Extraordinary Remedies under Interpretations Declaring Laws Unconstitutional but Valid for a Prescribed Period of Time Case)231
No.599 (Preliminary Injunction against Mandatory Fingerprinting for Identity Cards Case)239
No.328 (Can the Constitutional Court interpret the delimitation of the boundaries of national territory?)247
4. Local Governments
No. 553 (Judicial Review and the Local Government Act Case)249
No. 527 (Petition for Interpretation of the Local Government Act Case)259
Additional Articles of the Constitution307
Judicial Yuan Organization Act (Excerpt)319
Constitutional Court Procedure Act (1993)323
Justices of the Constitutional Court333
Complete Lists of J.Y. Interpretations381
Translators and English Editor of the Leading Cases383
Subject Index387
Case Index389


Wen-Chen CHANG(張文貞)
J.S.D., Yale Law School
Dean and Professor, School of Law, National Chiao Tung University
Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University
Wen-Yu CHIA(賈文宇)
S.J.D., Duke University School of Law
Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Health and Biotechnology Law, Taipei Medical University
Eleanor Y.Y. CHIN(金玉瑩)
Ph.D., Shanghai University of Finance and Economics School of Business Administration
LL.M., Soochow University School of Law
Managing Partner, Chien Yeh Law Offices
Chi CHUNG(鍾騏)
S.J.D., Harvard Law School
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Finance, College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University
Jyh-Pin FA(法治斌)(deceased in 2003)
J.S.D. Virginia Law School
Professor of Law, College of Law, National Chengchi University
Marietta Sze-Chie FA(法思齊)
S.J.D., University of Virginia School of Law
Associate Professor of Law, Soochow University School of Law
Wei-Sheng HONG(洪偉勝)
Ph.D., School of Law, University of Edinburgh
Attorney-at-law, Hong Guey-san Law Office
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration and Policy, National Taipei University & School of Law, Private Chinese Culture University
Jau-Yuan HWANG(黃昭元)
S.J.D. Harvard Law School
Justice, Taiwan Constitutional Court (Nov. 2016 - present)
Adjunct Professor of Law, College of Law, National Taiwan University
Wellington L. KOO(顧立雄)
LL.M., New York University
Secretary-General, National Security Council
Chung-Hsi Vincent KUAN(關重熙)
LL.M., University of Pennsylvania
Counselor, Hongyu Law Offices
Nigel N.T. LI(李念祖)
LL.M., Harvard Law School
Partner, Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law
Fort Fu-Te LIAO(廖福特)
D.Phil. in Law, Oxford University
Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Ching-Yi LIU(劉靜怡)
J.S.D., The University of Chicago Law School
Professor of Law, Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University
Ting-Chi LIU(劉定基)
S.J.D., The George Washington University
Associate Professor of Law, College of Law, National Chengchi University
Yen-Tu SU(蘇彥圖)
S.J.D., Harvard Law School
Associate Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Andy Y. SUN(孫遠釗)
J.D., University of Maryland School of Law
Visiting Professor, Peking University Law School
Executive Director, Asia Pacific Legal Institute
Pijan WU(吳必然)
J.S.D., New York University School of Law
Senior Counsel, LCS & Partners
Adjunct Associate Professor, Soochow University School of Law
Ya-Wen YANG(楊雅雯)
Ph.D., SOAS University of London
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica


Preface to Volume Three In August 2018, we published Volume One of the Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court (“TCC”) to celebrate our court’s seventieth anniversary. Volume One selected twenty important cases regarding the democratization of Taiwan, separation of powers and protection of individual rights rendered during the same seventy-year period. We then subsequently published Volume Two in November of the next year, featuring an additional twenty-eight leading cases on individual rights. To complete this publication project, we now present to you Volume Three, which contains twenty-one leading cases concerning separation of powers issues. Altogether, these three volumes contain sixty-nine leading cases out of the total of 767 J.Y. Interpretations as of August 2018. We hope that the publication of these leading cases may facilitate the interested readers’ understanding of the framework and performance of our Court, as well as serve to honor the contributions of our predecessors on the Court. With publication of Volume Three, we now formally conclude this Leading Cases project on time as planned. We expect that the future TCC will initiate a new project to publish another volume of the leading cases rendered in the eighth decade of the TCC, i.e., from 2019-2028, and then continue to do so every ten years in the future. My colleague, Justice Jau-Yuan HWANG, did an excellent job in selecting the twenty-one leading cases and ensuring their translation for publication. I am grateful for his contribution. Professor Charles WHARTON and Ms. Szu-Chen KUO assisted in editing the English translation and provided numerous valuable comments on the merits. Without their input, the quality of this volume would certainly be lessened. Under the guidance of Director Chen-Chou HSU, the entire administrative staff, especially Ms. Mei-Hui WANG, made every effort to publish this high-quality volume. I must offer my deep appreciation to all of them here. We are proud to share our work with the English-speaking world and remain humble in welcoming comments and responses from the global community of constitutional courts and scholars. Tzong-Li HSU Chief Justice of the Taiwan Constitutional Court & President of the Judicial Yuan November 2020

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court Volume Three
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:constitution, human right
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:400
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:司法院
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:秘書處 姓名:張介綺 電話:02-23618577-177 地址:台北市重慶南路一段一二四號