Social and Family Affairs Administration,Ministry of Health and Welfare annual report. 2019

Social and Family Affairs Administration,Ministry of Health and Welfare annual report. 2019


為使社會大眾瞭解我國社政業務之政策、行政體系、重大施政措施與過去一年工作成果,內政部自 88 年起每年編印社政年報,組織改造後因應社政業務調整,於104年更名為社會及家庭署年報。本年報簡介衛生福利部社會及家庭署之組織架構、經費預算及於108年度對兒童及少年福利、家庭支持、老人福利、身心障礙福利及婦女福利等各項社會福利之規劃與執行成果。


第一章 組織與政策6
Chapter 1 Organization and Policy
第一節 組織架構6
Section 1 Organizational Structure
第二節 經費7
Section 2 Budget
第三節 年度重要施政計畫9
Section 3 Important Annual Administrative Plans
第二章 兒童及少年福利11
Chapter 2 Children and Youth Welfare
第一節 兒童及少年福利補助11
Section 1 Subsidies for Children and Youth
第二節 兒童及少年權益維護14
Section 2 Protecting the Interests and Rights of Children and Youth
第三節 安置服務18
Section 3 Placement Services
第三章 家庭支持22
Chapter 3 Family Support
第一節 一般家庭服務22
Section 1 General Family Services
第二節 脆弱家庭服務26
Section 2 Services for Vulnerable Families
第三節 特殊需求家庭服務27
Section 3 Services for Families with Special Needs
第四章 老人福利31
Chapter 4 Welfare for the Elderly
第一節 老人經濟安全31
Section 1 Income Security for the Elderly
第二節 老人健康維護之費用補助32
Section 2 Health Care for the Elderly Fees Subsidization
第三節 老人生活照顧32
Section 3 Care for Elder People
第四節 老人社會參與34
Section 4 Social Participation by Elder People
第五節 老人福利機構監督及輔導36
Section 5 Supervision and Guidance for Elderly Welfare Institutions
第五章 身心障礙者福利42
Chapter 5 Welfare for Persons with Disabilities
第一節 身心障礙者權益保障42
Section 1 Rights Protection for Persons with Disabilities
第二節 身心障礙者經濟安全43
Section 2 Financial Security for Persons with Disabilities
第三節 身心障礙者生活照顧44
Section 3 Life Care for Persons with Disabilities
第四節 身心障礙者輔具資源整合45
Section 4 Assistive Devices for Persons with Disabilities
第五節 身心障礙者社會參與及意識提升46
Section 5 Social Participation for Persons with Disabilities
第六章 婦女福利51
Chapter 6 Welfare for Women
第一節 促進婦女培力與落實消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約52
Section 1 Promoting Women Empowerment and Enforcing CEDAW
第二節 前臺籍慰安婦照顧輔導54
Section 2 Care and Guidance for Former Taiwanese Comfort Women (Wartime Sex Slaves)
第三節 婦女國際參與及台灣國家婦女館經營管理55
Section 3 Women International Participation and Operation and Management of Taiwan Women’s Center
第四節 推動培力地方政府推展婦女福利業務輔導計畫57
Section 4 Promoting the Program for Empowering Local Governments to Promote Guidance for Women’s Welfare Business
第七章 服務資源與品質58
Chapter 7 Service Resources and Quality
第一節 全國性財團法人社會福利基金會58
Section 1 National Social Welfare Foundations
第二節 社會福利公益信託基金輔導60
Section 2 Guidance for Social Welfare Charitable Trusts
第三節 社會役業務61
Section 3 Social Welfare Substitute Military Service
第四節 地方政府執行社會福利績效考核63
Section 4 Evaluation of Social Welfare Performance of Local
Appendix 1 Summary List of Social Welfare Laws and Regulations
Appendix 2 Major Events in 2019
Appendix 3 Summary of Social Welfare Data by Type in 2019
Appendix 4 List of Community Development Journals (Quarterly) Published in 2019
Appendix 5 Service Hotlines and Related Websites


出 版 者:衛生福利部社會及家庭署
召 集 人:簡慧娟


Facing the challenges of low birth rates, aging population, rapid change of social structure and family function, the Social and Family Affairs Administration (SFAA) is adhering the belief of “To promote the well-being and rights of all citizens” committed to improve the welfare and family support services for children, youths, women, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities. In March 2018, the number of people aged 65 years and older in Taiwan exceeded 14% of the total population for the first time, officially announcing that Taiwan has become an aged society. Facing aged population, SFAA takes “active ageing” as the target. Apart from promoting multifaceted aging policies and service programs through cross-ministerial efforts, we have established 3,954 “community care stations” through collaboration with civilian groups, including the establishment of 1,934 neighborhood long-term care centers in response to the long-term care policy, for seniors to live in a healthy and safe life in the neighborhood and for their family to go to work without worries. In 2019, we continued to optimize our work in all aspects. In addressing the declining birth rate, we introduced two major childcare policies: “child-raising allowance for children under two years old” and “public and quasi-public childcare services” as of August 1, 2018. On the same day in 2019, over 290,000 children under two years old received the childcare subsidy, with a coverage rate over 80% to substantially reduce the financial burden of parents. The amendment to the “The Protection of Children and Youth Welfare and Rights Act” passed on April 24, 2019 authorizes the stipulation of “Regulations Governing the Installation and Use of CCTV Surveillance Equipment at Baby Care Centers” which make parents feel safe to send children to childcare centers and maintain children’s privacy. In addition, to respect “the right to be heard” of children and youth, the amendment also states the need for participation of children and youth representatives in syllabus design and the promotion team for the children and youth welfare at all governmental levels, which was the most encouraging and valuable gift on Children’s Day. To maintain and promote women’s welfare, rights, and interests, we organized celebrations on “International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, and “Taiwan Girl’s Day” to disseminate the spirit of “Girl Up: Say No to Labeling and Demonstrate Girls’ Power” across Taiwan through social media, movies, fun games, and seminars. We also broke the public’s misconception on childbirth and child-raising of mothers for women to earn more supports and self-determination on the road of becoming mothers, and thereby more understanding and respect from the public. To protect the rights and interests of persons with disabilities and practice the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), we continued to promote the individual care services and family support services for persons with disabilities to enhance their living quality through multifaceted and continuous approaches; developed resources for sign language interpretation and simultaneous dictation and provided a reference guide of disability inclusive meetings and activities to encourage their participation; organized various consciousness-raising activities for the public to understand that disabilities are part of cultural diversity; and continued to plan small-scaled and community-based institutional care services to meet the spirit of Article 19 of the CRPD. In view of the severe murder and domestic violence events in society in recent years, we promoted the “Social Security Net Enhancement Program” with cross-ministerial power to care about families in crisis and vulnerable families. Through the visits, evaluations, support, and services of 131 social welfare centers across Taiwan, we established a community-based protection system and provided family-centered integrated services. The promotion of related systems to social welfare matters the living safety, rights, and interests of vulnerable citizens. Thanks for the long-term assistance and accompaniment of experts, scholars, social welfare groups, related departments, and local governments. I am looking forward to your continuous support of the SFAA, in order to promote the well-being of all together.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:Social and Family Affairs Administration,Ministry of Health and Welfare annual report. 2019
  • 適用對象:成人(業務參考),成人(學術性),成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:Social and Family Affairs Administration,Ministry of Health and Welfare,Social and Family Affairs Administration,annual report,2019, Social Welfare
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:51
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:衛生福利部社會及家庭署
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:婦女福利及企劃組 姓名:蔣麗音 電話:02-26531953 地址:臺北市忠孝東路六段488號12樓