

  • 統一編號GPN:1011002107
  • 出版日期:2021/12
  • 作/編/譯者:謝志淵著/張競譯
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:220
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9786267080122
  • 出版單位:國防大學
  • 開數:A5
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$247

1991 年「波灣戰爭」(Gulf War)的結果已證實失去防空戰力的伊拉克,徒有百萬大軍,只能處於被動挨打,且終遭致失敗的命運。因此,就陸軍而言,更可能是處於無空優狀況下之窘境,故野戰防空如何以「創新」想法及「不對稱」
以史為鑑,防空作戰不僅為臺澎防衛作戰之緒戰,更將對全般戰局產生重大影響。尤其當前共軍各式航空器、飛彈發展之迅速,國軍實處於隨時可能遭敵方空中奇襲之威脅。本文依據美國《2020 中共軍力報告書》評估共軍於第一島鏈內已具「反介入/區域拒止」(Anti-Access & Area Denial, A2/AD)以及對臺灣應急(Contingency)作戰能力。另依美 國智庫「2049 計畫研究所」易思安(Ian Easton)所著《中共攻臺大解密》顯示,共軍已可於不同作戰階段,對國軍施 以單一或多種型式的「不對稱」作戰。因此,本研究期透過歷史及文獻回顧方式,客觀理解交戰雙方甚至多方如何以某種形式的「不對稱」方式進行外,另以專家訪談方式綜整各 種意見與觀點,確立各種「敵優我劣」與「敵劣我優」等狀況下,輔以運用 SWOT 決策分析,探究國軍如何於聯合防空架構下,省思未來陸軍野戰防空之發展與運用,並據以提出具體可行性之建議。


Chapter 1
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2
The History of Asymetrical Warfare and Contemporary Perception – Strategy
and Tactics ............................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 3
The PLA Military Threat Towards Taiwan and Operational Stages..........................15
Chapter 4
The PLA Asymetrail Operational Schemes Towards ROC Ground Forces ..............23
The Operational Organization and Preparation Stage
The Preliminary Operations Stage
The Landing Operations Stage
The Ground Operations Stage
Chapter 5
The Present Development of the ROC Army Field Air Defense ............................. 43
Air Defense Forces
Forces’ Air Defense
Assessment of PLA Threats and the Counter Capabilities of the ROC Armed
Chapter 6
Forces (Distinctiveness and Weakenesses) .............................................................51
The Assessment of the PLA Air Threats
The Assessment of the ROC Army Field Air Defense Capabilities
Chapter 7
Review and Proposals of the Army Field Air Defense ...........................................107
Questionnaire Design
Questionnaire Statistics and Analysis
The Present ROC Army Field Air Defense Situation and the SWOT Strategy Analysis
Proposals of Improving the Army Field Air Defense
Chapter 8 Conclusion .........................................................................................................211




The Results of the 1991 Gulf War has already proven that the Iraq lost the air defense combat capabilities could only be passively beatened and eventually swallowed the fate of failure though it had a million sized armed forces. Hence, as for the Army, it is even more possible to embrace an embarrassing situation without air superiority, thus how the field air defense may employ “innovative” thinking and “asymmetic” efforts to cope with various air threats does not only matter to secure the viable combat capabilities but also turn to be the core element for the future success of the defensive operations. Inspired by history, the air defense will not only be the initial battle for the Operations of defending Taiwan and Pescadores but will also creat significant impacts to further campaign developments. Particuarly, given the dramatic improvements of the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) various aviation platforms and missiles, the threat of encountering a surprise hostile air raid may actually occur at any time. This report is based on the assessment results revealed by the “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2020” published by the United States Department of Defense indicating the Chinese communist armed forces should have already established an anti-access and areial denial fighting capacity wthin the First Island Chain as well as the contingency operational capability towards Taiwan. Furthermore, based on the contents of “The Chinese Invasion Threat: Taiwan's Defense and American Strategy in Asia” written by Ian Easton, a senior director at the Project 2049 Institute, the communist forces may conduct a single or multiple asymettrical operational schemes in different stages against the ROC Armed Forces, therefore, this study would employ historical and documentary survey approaches in order to understand two or even multiple sides involed in an asymetical engagement process more objectively. Also, the author will integrate different opinions and viewpoints through interviews with experts to exploit the future developments and utilizations of the ROC Army field air defense under the overall ROC Armed Forces joint air defense operational structure through the analysis of various conditions of “hostile superiority, own force inferiority” or otherwise “own force superiority, hostile inferiority” and supported with the employment of SWOT decision-making analysis to present substantial and viable proposals accordingly.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:Multi-Domain Deterrence: Army Field Air Defense Development and Application
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:陸軍,野戰防空,國防
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:220
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國防大學
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:國防大學 姓名:廖偉正 電話:03-3657850 地址:桃園市八德區興豐路1000號