

  • 統一編號GPN:1011002236
  • 出版日期:2021/12
  • 作/編/譯者:林延諭蘇致柔陳裕星
  • 語言:中文
  • 頁數:280
  • 裝訂:平裝




Ⅴ議程 Agenda

001 A review of the beneficial effects of pulses on glycemic response and long term health / D. Dan Ramdath and Alison M. Duncan
009 Utilization of Agricultural Products: Sources of Dietary Fibre and Their Health Benefits / Steve W. Cui
020 飲食與健康~功效及分子機制 Diet and Health-functions and molecular mechanisms / 張素瓊、詹吟菁、劉宏文、張雲晶、吳淑靜 Sue-Joan Chang, Yin-Ching Chan, Hung-Wen Liu, Yun-Chin Chang and Shu-Jing Wu
033 Pea and Lentil Flour Quality as Affected by Roller Milling Configuration / Jean-Charles Motte, Robert Tyler, Aidin Milani, Janelle Courcelles and Tanya Der
034 不同米穀配方對餵與高脂高膽固醇飲食倉鼠血液脂質的影響 Effects of different grain recipes on serum lipid profile in hamster fed with a high-fat-high-cholesterol diet / 劉怡君、莎西、陳裕星、陳玉華 Yi-Chun Liu, Sassy Bhawamai, Yu-Hsin Chen and Yue-Hwa Chen
045 The effects of ethanol extracts of rice bran, red adlay and Echinacea spp roots on alleviating colitis in DNBS-induced mice / Hui-Chen Lo and Yu-hsin Chen
047 臺灣素食者之前瞻性健康結果與健保支出 / 朱芯函、邱雪婷
048 Effects of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) on metabolic dysfunction by modulation of gut microbiota in diet-induced obese mice / Yu-Hsin Chen and Cheng Huang
056 A study of buckwheat Taichung No.2 applying to type 2 diabetic mice / Yu-Hsin Chen and Hui-Kang Liu
067 雜糧糙米飯對高血脂病患保健功效之評估 The beneficial effects of brown rice, buckwheat and adlay on hyperlipidemia patients / 陳裕星、徐翠文、汪志雄、李雅琳、洪子桓 Yu-Hsin Chen, Tsui-Wen Hsu, Chih-Hsiung Wang, Ya-Lin Lee and Tze-Huan Hong
088 國產良質米全穀營養與升糖指數研析 Whole grain nutrition and glycemic index analysis of domestic high-quality rice cultivars / 洪子桓、劉威廷、林素月、李雅琳 Tzu-Huan Hung, Tzu-Huan Hung, Su-Yue Lin, Ya-Lin Lee
107 黑豆之機能性成分鑑別與分析 Identification and analysis of bioactive components in black soybean / 林佩吟、林佑勳、王惠珠、劉忬函、李彥輝、陳宏彰、呂廷璋 Pei-Yin Lin, You-Xun Lin, Hui-Zhu Wang, Yu-Han Liu, Yan-Hui Li, Hong-Zhang Chen, Ting-Jang Lu
124 國產硬質玉米之特性與應用 Characteristics and Applications of Domestic Horneous (Hard) Endosperm Corn / 賴喜美 His-Mei Lai
146 利用反應曲面法探討糙米添加柚皮、老薑、高麗菜擠壓產品最適化條件及其物化特性之研究 Study on the optimization of the physicochemical properties for the brown rice with ginger and pummelo peels extrudates by response surface methodology / Jan-Jeng Huang, Yun-Jing Li, Chien-Yu Zhan and Zheng-Ying Yang
172 特殊營養需求穀物產品技術創新- 黃豆殼於食品產業應用 The creative technology of cereal products for special nutritional requirements - soy hull
used in food industry / 蘇梅英、施坤河 Mei-Ying Su, Kun-He Shih
180 大豆豆渣加工產品開發及加值應用 Development and application of multiprocessed predicted of soybean Okara / 江伯源 Po-Yuan Chiang
198 台灣預熟米的製備與特性 Preparation and characteristics of parboiled japonica rice in Taiwan / 李佳燕、陳時欣 Jia-Yan Li and Shin-Hsin Chen
216 Novel studies of Djulis after processing based on functional compositions / Pi-Jen Tsai, Jing-Yu Chen, Chia-Jung Li and Kanjana Narkprasom
224 穀豆類銀髮友善食品Eatender 之發展 Development of cereal- and legume-based senior-friendly food (Eatender) / 王怡晶 I-Chin Wang

250 壁報論文競賽組
251 Distribution and contents of gallium (Ga), arsenic (As) and the trace elements (Sr, Cs, Co and V) in rice grains and the risk assessment of As / Yi-Man Lyu and His-Mei Lai
253 探討小麥雜粉對製備饅頭之品質影響 / 張維棠、林立功、王子曜、胡淑慧、施明智
254 黑豆乳清經不同乳酸菌發酵所衍生具抑制血管收縮素作用之胜肽 / 林冶融、楊政遠、楊昀庭、施又甄、楊懷文
255 大豆豆渣─微粉化及其品質、體外生理特性評估 / 洪卉妤、蔡惠玲、江伯源
256 Effect of citric acid induced substitution and crosslinking on physicochemical properties of corn starch and its applications on active starch film making /
Pin-Yu Chen and His-Mei Lai
258 Comparison of intestinal health promotion potential between Prunus armeniaca seed and Rheum rhabarbarum in healthy rats / Chih-Ren Chang , Ying-Chia Tung and Chi-Fai Chau
259 以乳酸菌發酵紫心甘薯酸麵團與全麥紫薯酸麵包之開發 / 黃心慧、呂英震
260 Ultrasonic treatment on starch granule morphology and physicochemical properties of high amylose maize starch / Chun-Hsiang Chan, Ri-Gui Wu and Yi-Yuan Shao
261 The development and customer satisfaction of buckwheat sesame milk rice bread / Yuan-Hui Lin, Chih-Chien Kao, Tzu-Fang Wang and Yun-Chen Tsai
262 Effects of corn resistant starch on metabolic syndrome and gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced obese mice / Wei-Han Lai , His-Mei Lai , Yu-Hsin Chen and Cheng Huang

263 壁報論文公開發表組
264 Phytochemicals and glycemic Index analyses of domestic rice cultivars / Ya-Lin Lee , Tzu-Huan Hung , Wei-Ting Liu and Su-Yue Lin
265 台灣長者依循全穀類飲食建議時達成之微量營養素建議量 / 張宜平、鄭裕耀
266 風乾、調酸及乳酸菌共發酵應用於天貝製程之初探 / 劉威廷、羅妍甯、賴金淳、李雅琳
267 台灣國小學童攝取全穀類食物之行為改變階段與相關心理社會因子 / 鄭裕耀、張宜平、潘文涵
268 The glycemic index of rice-pulses noodles / Chih-Jou Su, Chih-Yung Teng, Ming-Yao Tseng and Yu-Hsin Chen
269Study on functional properties of whole soybean flour / Chih-Jou Su and Yu-Hsin Chen
特刊第146號-2020 臺加全穀豆類營養保健與創新加工國際研討會論文輯-全冊


林延諭、蘇致柔、陳裕星 主編
行政院農業委員會臺中區農業改良場 編印

  • 書籍分類 :社會/科學>自然科學
  • 出版品分類:圖書
  • 主題分類: 農業環保>農業
  • 施政分類: 農業
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性),成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:全穀,豆類,營養保健,創新加工
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:280
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:行政院農業委員會臺中區農業改良場
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:作物改良課 姓名:林延諭 電話:04-8523101#230 地址:彰化縣大村鄉田洋村松槐路370號