2021 Communications Market Report

2021 Communications Market Report




Preface — 4
01 Overview of the Communications Industry — 5
Section 1 International Communications — 6
Section 2 Communications Market in Taiwan — 7
02 Domestic and International Communications Market Trends — 13
Section 1 International Communications Markets — 14
Section 2 Domestic Broadcasting Market — 15
03 Communications Markets during the COVID-19 Pandemic — 27
Section 1 Comparison and analysis of domestic and international telecommunications markets during COVID-19 — 28
Section 2 Comparison and analysis of domestic and international broadcasting industries during COVID-19 — 29
04 Key Trends in Domestic and International Communications Markets — 31
Comparison of key 5G indicators — 32
Major trends of international low-orbit satellites; opportunities for Taiwan — 33
Analysis of the domestic and international governance of misinformation — 33
Trends in digital platforms and the media industry bargaining for news — 34
05 Conclusions and Suggestions — 35
Assist small- and medium-sized businesses with digital transformation and 5G technology — 36
Reach out to the international low-orbit satellite industry with short- and long-term plans — 36
Develop frameworks for governance of misinformation, strengthening regulation both outside and inside the industry — 38
Reduce the digital divide — 38


In response to the development of communications convergence and global regulatory reforms, the Fundamental Communications Act and The National Communications Commission Organization Act were promulgated in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Consequently, the responsibility for overseeing telecommunications and broadcasting was combined, which led to NCC being officially established on Feb. 22, 2006.
NCC is an independent agency established under the Basic Code Governing Central Administrative Agencies Organizations, dedicated to exercising its functions and responsibilities pursuant to laws independently. By referring to the experience of the management of communications in advanced countries, the Executive Yuan integrated the responsibilities of the Directorate Genera l of Telecommunications and Government Information Office to oversee telecommunications and broadcasting and ensure that an independent regulatory agency could govern the communications sector. Consequently, NCC is responsible for the formulation of policies, regulatory oversight, market competition, management of resources and consumers' rights, adhering to values such as professionalism, diversity and efficiency, as well as for establishing a sound environment for the communications sector and upgrading digitization.


With the advent of 5G, much faster network transmission speeds and greater data capacities have become a reality, resulting in a gradual shift in consumer behaviors and demands in the way we communicate and share information. In response to these changes and demands, more and more enterprises have embraced digital convergence. With the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting and the rise of emerging businesses, the communications market has faced unprecedented challenges. In that light, and with view to facilitating healthy competition in communications, as well as respond to the most recent developments and demands of society, the government has to amend existing laws appropriately. The 2021 Report on Communications Market is the National Communications Commission’s (NCC) fifth annual comprehensive report on the communications industry both at home and abroad. Normally, such reports not only present statistics on industry supply, but also outline the results of a market survey with the aim of providing a general overview of specific developments and trends in Taiwan. However, due to the difficulty of conducting market surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's communications market report shifts its focus to industry trends and includes an analysis of the structure of both domestic and international communications industries, demand trends in global markets, as well as the industry's responses and countermeasures. Unsurprisingly, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected global communications markets, causing dips in revenues and severely impacting traditional communications. Nonetheless, with certain protocols, such as lockdowns and social distancing, demand for network data and connected devices have surged, and the lives of countless people have shifted to online, which, in turn, has enabled emerging digital services and accelerated digital transformation among many of these traditional communications enterprises. This year's report provides a detailed summary of changes seen over the past few years and an analysis of both domestic and international markets being affected by the pandemic; the report also outlines key developments and trends, as well as the current challenges and opportunities for the communications industry in Taiwan and suggests appropriate regulatory measures to encourage development.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 出版品網址(線上版或試閱版):連結
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性),成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:Communications,Market Report,Industry Trends,Digital Convergence,Survey
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:40
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國家通訊傳播委員會
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:綜合規劃處 姓名:溫育鈴 電話:02-33438154 地址:臺北市中正區仁愛路1段50號