

  • 統一編號GPN:1011100842
  • 出版日期:2022/07
  • 作/編/譯者:黃舒屏 主編/張韞 譯
  • 語言:中文
  • 頁數:292
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9789865326067
  • 出版單位:國立臺灣美術館
  • 開數:27.5公分x23公分
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$800



目錄 Contents
04 館長序 Director’s Preface
國立臺灣美術館館長 / 廖仁義
LIAO Jen-I / Director, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
06圖版目錄 Plates
12 水墨類 Ink Painting
14 評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
20 評審感言 / 林章湖Jury’s Comments / LIN ChangHu
22 得獎作品 Awarded works
43 書法類 Chinese Calligraphy
44 評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
49 評審感言 / 廖新田 Jury’s Comments / LIAO Hsin Tien
52 免審查獎作品 / Work of the Jury-Exemption Prize
54 得獎作品 Awarded works
71 篆刻類 Seal Engraving
72 評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
77 評審感言 / 柯詩安 Jury’s Comments / KO Shih-An
80免審查獎作品 / Work of the Jury-Exemption Prize
84得獎作品 Awarded works
92膠彩類 Gouache Painting
94評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
99評審感言 / 高永隆 Jury’s Comments / KAO Yung-Lung
102免審查獎作品 / Work of the Jury-Exemption Prize
104得獎作品 Awarded works
114油畫類 Oil Painting
116評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
121評審感言 / 蘇憲法 Jury’s Comments / SU Hsien-Fa
124得獎作品 Awarded works
149水彩類 Watercolor Painting
150評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
155評審感言 / 黃進龍 Jury’s Comments / HUANG Chin-Lung
158得獎作品 Awarded works
172版畫類 Prints
174評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
180評審感言 / 劉錫權 Jury’s Comments / LIU Hsi-Chuan
182免審查獎作品 / Work of the Jury-Exemption Prize
184得獎作品 Awarded works
193雕塑類 Sculpture
194評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
200評審感言 / 張乃文 Jury’s Comments / CHANG Nai-Wen
202免審查獎作品 / Work of the Jury-Exemption Prize
204得獎作品 Awarded works
218攝影類 Photography
220評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
226評審感言 / 沈昭良 Jury’s Comments / SHEN Chao-Liang
228得獎作品 Awarded works
250新媒體藝術類 New Media Arts
252評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
257評審感言 / 陳明惠 Jury’s Comments / Ming TURNER
260得獎作品 Awarded works
266綜合媒材類 Mixed Media
268評審委員作品 Works by Jurors
272評審感言 / 徐文瑞 Jury’s Comments / Manray HSU
274得獎作品 Awarded works
286徵件簡章 Exhibition Prospectus


翻譯資歷逾10年,臺北市出生,6歲開始旅居英國多年。小學至高中畢業就讀音樂班,國立政治大學哲學系學士、英國愛丁堡大學藝術史碩士。曾於蘇格蘭知名百年畫廊The Scottish Gallery實習與工作,參與佈展、作品攝影、網站與文資管理等。現居英國牛津,全職從事口筆譯與寫作。
專長領域為藝術、文化、音樂、劇場、表演藝術等。主要合作客戶為駐英國台北代表處、臺灣文化部、縣市政府文化局、公私立美術館、畫廊、獨立藝術家,經手案件包括愛丁堡國際圖書節、倫敦泰特美術館、國際紅點設計大獎、臺灣文博會、台北雙年展、Art Taipei、Art Basel Hong Kong等藝文專案,公開口譯合作包括蔡明亮、吳明益等。藝術評論寫作發表於《藝術家》、《藝術收藏+設計》等雜誌。


由文化部指導、國立臺灣美術館主辦之「全國美術展」於民國100年辦理首屆競賽展覽,即獲得藝術界熱烈迴響,於國內藝術創作者期盼下,今年邁入第12屆賡續辦理「111年全國美術展」,共吸引全國近千件作品參賽,參與競獎之作品質量穩健,國美館以徵件、評選、獎勵及展覽等審查與發表機制的持續推動,「全國美術展」成為臺灣美術界的指標性美術賽事。 臺灣因特殊的地理位置及歷史脈絡,其人文、社會、環境等均納含了東西不同文化之間的交融,吸收各文化涵養之精髓,演化出獨特之人文藝術。基於藝術創作者所需相互間之交流、創作經驗之展現、鼓勵國人創作之風氣,「全國美術展」提供了藝術創作者一個彼此相互觀摩與切磋的平臺,使不同形態的藝術創作理念得以相互激盪、對話,亦期許更多創作者再接再厲,持續為臺灣藝術多元生態注入更多的生命力,使本展肩負著國人藝術成就之彙整及呈現之使命,更具重要意義。 「111年全國美術展」參賽類別包括水墨、書法、篆刻、膠彩、油畫、水彩、版畫、雕塑、攝影、新媒體藝術及綜合媒材等共11類,經過各類評審委員縝密的初、複審評審作業,評選展出金、銀、銅得獎作品33件、入選作品92件,以及曾榮獲「免審查獎」之傑出藝術家,包有含書法、篆刻、膠彩、版畫、雕塑等共六位參與展出;此外,本屆篆刻類劉冠意女士及版畫類黃得誠先生,更因連續三年獲得同一類項前三名,獲頒「免審查獎」以彰顯其傑出表現之榮耀。 綜觀本屆作品老將持續精進、新秀展露頭角,展出作品展現了每位藝術家之個人經驗、探索生活環境、觀察城市樣貌甚至是社會性議題等不同面向的體驗與視點,從作品間的美學風尚與文化串流,探索臺灣社會脈動與美學潮流的深層連結,充分展現了臺灣豐沛的創意能量,亦可微觀近期臺灣美術創作的風格取向與表現趨勢。 此展承蒙諸位評審委員參與辛勞的評審作業,以及各參賽者熱烈參與,國美館特規畫於111年7月至10月間盛大展出,並為「111年全國美術展」執行成果作一完整紀錄,爰收錄本屆得獎、免審查及各類評審委員之創作作品彙集成冊發行,藉以落實藝術資源之推廣及分享,並呈顯當下臺灣美術創作發展豐富多元的面向。 When the first “National Art Exhibition R.O.C.” competition was held in 2011 by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMoFA) under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture, it immediately attracted the attention of the art world. Amid the high expectations of artists, the “National Art Exhibition R.O.C.” is entering its 11th year and has attracted almost one thousand outstanding work submissions. Through the review and display process of open calls, selection, award system, and exhibition of the NTMoFA, the “National Art Exhibition R.O.C.” has become a leading event in the art world of Taiwan. Due to the unique geographical location and historical context, the culture, society, and environment of Taiwan have received inspiration both from the east and the west, which has developed into the singular cultural scene of Taiwan. Rooted in the efforts to respond to artists’ need to exchange ideas, provid the opportunity to present experiences, and encourage the people of Taiwan to engage in artistic creation, the “National Art Exhibition R.O.C.” provides a platform for artistic exchange and allows different creative concepts to engage in dialogues. As the exhibition upholds the mission of organizing and displaying the best of Taiwanese art, the “National Art Exhibition R.O.C.” hopes that more creatives will join and invigorate the art scene of Taiwan. The works submitted for the “2022 National Art Exhibition R.O.C.” span 11 categories: ink painting, calligraphy, seal carving, gouache work, oil painting, watercolor, print, sculpture, photography, new media art, and mixed media. After careful deliberations during the initial and secondary review, 33 works were awarded the golden, silver, and bronze prizes, and 92 works were selected for the display, with works by six artists who received the Exemption from Examination Award in the past in categories including calligraphy, seal carving, gouache work, print, and sculpture. In addition, this year’s Ms. Liu Kuan-I from the seal carving category and Mr. Haung De-Cheng from prints became new recipients of the Exemption from Examination Award for being placed in the top three prizes in the same category for three consecutive years. This year’s exhibition continues to witness the advancement of veteran artists and the emergence of new talents; the works illustrate the artist’s experiences, explorations of life and their surroundings, observations of the city or insight into social issues, as well as other encounters and perspectives. The aesthetic and cultural references of the works are gateways to exploring the deep-seated connection between the art trends and the pulsations of Taiwanese society, showcasing Taiwan’s vibrant creative energy and the recent currents of style and expression of Taiwanese fine art. This exhibition was made possible thanks to the efforts of reviewers and participating artists. The NTMoFA has arranged an exhibition between July and October of 2022, and this publication was designed as a presentation and documentation of the works of the “2022 National Art Exhibition R.O.C.” This collection includes the works that were awarded, works by artists who were selected for the Exemption from Examination Award, and those by the reviewers of different categories with the hopes of promoting and sharing artistic resources as well as showcasing the richness of Taiwanese art.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:2022 National Art Exhibition, R.O.C.
  • 適用對象:成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:美術,作品集
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:292
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立臺灣美術館
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:展覽組 姓名:潘迎佳 電話:04-23723552-307 地址:臺中市西區五權西路1段2號