109年人口及住宅普查報告 第24卷 綜合報告 (英文版)

109年人口及住宅普查報告 第24卷 綜合報告 (英文版)

  • 統一編號GPN:1011102262
  • 出版日期:2022/12
  • 作/編/譯者:行政院主計總處
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:350
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9786267162910
  • 出版單位:行政院主計總處
  • 開數:16開
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$350



Explanatory note
Chapter 1 Key statistics
I. Resident population3
II. Housing and living status9
Chapter 2 Statistical analysis
I. Resident population9
1. Resident population distribution and change13
2. Sex and age structure20
3. Marital status and number of children26
4. Language usage28
5. Educational status30
6. Working status34
7. Commuting to work and school status38
8. Migration status44
9. Children nurture care status48
10. Long-term care status50
11. The handicapped population status52
12. The indigenous population status54
13. Foreign spouse, spouse of Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau56
14. Family household type58
15. Living arrangement of the elder population60
II. Housing and living status64
16. Housing distribution and change64
17. Housing usage67
18. Living status70
19. Home ownership76
20. Internet use at home80
Chapter 3 Major findings of historical censuses
I. Abstract statistics of the historical population and housing censuses85
II. Distribution and change of the resident population, households and housing units86
Chapter 4 Census planning and conduction
I. Census planning89
II. Census operations and contents89
III. Preparatory operation92
IV. Census conduction96
Chapter 5 Statistical tables
Table 1 Number of the resident population and population density(2)
Table 2 (3)
Table 3 (4)
Table 4 (5)
Table 5 (6)
Table 6 (7)
Table 7 (8)
Table 8 (9)
Table 9 (10)
Table 10 (11)
Table 11 (12)
Table 12 (13)
Table 13 (14)
Table 14 (15)
Table 15 (16)
Table 16 (17)
Table 17 (18)
Table 18 (18)
Table 19 (18)
Table 20 (18)
Table 21 (2)
Table 22 (3)
Table 23 (4)
Table 24 (5)
Table 25 (6)
Table 26 (7)
Table 27 (8)
Table 28 (9)
Table 29 (10)
Table 30 (11)
Table 31 (12)
Table 32 (13)
Table 33 (14)
Table 34 (15)
Table 35 (16)
Table 36 (17)
Table 37 (18)
Table 38 (18)
Table 39 (18)
Table 40 (18)
Table 41 (2)
Table 42 (3)
Table 43 (4)
Table 44 (5)
Table 45 (6)
Table 46 (7)
Table 47 (8)
Table 48 (9)
Table 49 (10)
Table 50 (11)
Table 51 (12)
Table 52 (13)
Table 53 (14)
Table 54 (15)
Table 55 (16)
Table 56 (17)
Table 57 (18)
Table 58 (18)
Table 59 (18)
Table 60 (18)
Table 61 (2)
Table 62 (3)
Table 63 (4)
Table 64 (5)
Table 65 (6)
Table 66 (7)
Table 67 (8)
Table 68 (9)
Table 69 (10)
Table 70 (11)
Table 71 (12)
Table 72 (13)
Table 73 (14)
Table 74 (15)
Table 75 (16)
Table 76 (17)
Table 77 (18)
Table 78 (18)
Table 79 (18)
Table 80 (18)
Table 81 (2)
Table 82 (3)
Table 83 (4)
Table 84 (5)
Table 85 (6)
Table 86 (7)
Table 87 (8)
Table 88 (9)
Table 89 (10)
Table 90 (11)
Table 91 (12)
Table 92 (13)
Table 93 (14)
Table 94 (15)
Table 95 (16)
Table 96 (17)
Chapter 6 Appendices(55)
I. Compilation of statistics(55)
II. Glossary of census terms and definitions(55)
III. Sampling and estimation methodology(55)
IV. Census Questionnaire(55)

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:2020 Population and Housing Census Report Volume 24 Summary Report
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:2020 Population Census,2020 Housing Census
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:350
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:行政院主計總處
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:行政院主計總處國勢普查處 姓名:徐騏緯 電話:02-23803653 地址:台北市廣州街2號