

  • ISBN/ISSN:9789576787263
  • 出版單位:國家圖書館
  • 開數:21×27公分
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$800

國家圖書館於2023年為慶祝館慶90 週年,特邀請張圍東教授精選本館90部善本典藏,依中國印刷史之發展進程與版刻特色,撰成此書。全書以英文版出版,以深入淺出的解說文字介紹從寫本、刻本、套印本、繪本等主題,引領使用者瞭解國故,並啟迪新知。


1 Preface by the Director-General of the National Central Library (Taiwan, ROC)
I. Handwritten Works
(1) Handwritten Scrolls
(2) Handwritten Books
(3) Draft Manuscripts
(4) Hand-Copied Works
(5) Serially Hand-Copied Works
(6) Hand-Copied Facsimiles
(7) Annotated Works and Marginalia
II. Woodblock-Printed Works
(1) Song Woodblock-Printed Works
(2) Jin and Yuan Woodblock-Printed Works
(3) Ming and Qing Woodblock-Printed Works
(4) Color Woodblock-Printed Works
(5) Supplmented and Reprinted Works
(6) Woodblock-Printed Works within a Series
(7) Recarved Woodblock-Printed Works
III. Printed Works Using Moveable Type
IV. Hand-Illustrarted Works
V. Illustrated Woodblock-Printed Works
I. Handwritt1
I. Handwritten Works
(1) Handwritten Scrolls
(2) Handwritten Books
(3) Draft Manuscripts
(4) Hand-Copied Works
(5) Serially Hand-Copied Works
(6) Hand-Copied Facsimiles
(7) Annotated Works and Marginalia
II. Woodblock-Printed Works
(1) Song Woodblock-Printed Works
(2) Jin and Yuan Woodblock-Printed Works
(3) Ming and Qing Woodblock-Printed Works
(4) Color Woodblock-Printed Works
(5) Supplmented and Reprinted Works
(6) Woodblock-Printed Works within a Series
(7) Recarved Woodblock-Printed Works
III. Printed Works Using Moveable Type
IV. Hand-Illustrarted Works
V. Illustrated Woodblock-Printed Works

en Works
(1) Handwritten Scrolls
(2) Handwritten Books
(3) Draft Manuscripts
(4) Hand-Copied Works
(5) Serially Hand-Copied Works
(6) Hand-Copied Facsimiles
(7) Annotated Works and Marginalia
II. Woodblock-Printed Works
(1) Song Woodblock-Printed Works
(2) Jin and Yuan Woodblock-Printed Works
(3) Ming and Qing Woodblock-Printed Works
(4) Color Woodblock-Printed Works
(5) Supplmented and Reprinted Works
(6) Woodblock-Printed Works within a Series
(7) Recarved Woodblock-Printed Works
III. Printed Works Using Moveable Type
IV. Hand-Illustrarted Works
V. Illustrated Woodblock-Printed Works


作者:張圍東 翻譯:鄧沛力


Preface by the Director-General of the National Central Library (Taiwan, ROC) As an ancient civilization with an astoundingly long history, China is home to a seemingly untold number of rare books and ancient texts which touch upon almost all conceivable subjects: classical studies, history, society, technology, religion and belief systems, art and literature, and so forth. These works are the blood and sweat of eminent ancient thinkers, and as pearls of culture, undeniably reveal the tides of the times. The forms and styles of these ancient texts, whether the binding, the ink, the material it has been printed on, or how it was produced (woodblock, moveable type, lithography, overlay, etc.), in their variety reveal the many colors and tastes of these works, as well as demonstrating the remarkable achievements of book production and printing technologies in China, all of which culminates into a spiritual wealth of the so-called Chinese nation and its peoples. This nation spanning of thousands of years has given birth to a radiant civilization that has left behind an immense and valuable cultural heritage for present and future generations, including a vast number of written texts—the historical records of human civilization, products of history, and historical markers of civilization and progress. Since our establishment in 1933, the National Central Library (NCL) has been continuously seeking out these antiquities. Regarding our collections, one noteworthy aspect that thematically ties them together is that the majority of the works once passed through the collections of well-known bibliophiles and collectors in Jiangnan, such as Tianyi Hall 天一閣, Jiaye Hall 嘉業堂, Shi Garden 適園, and Qunbi Hall 群碧樓, to name just a few. Moreover, we currently hold the original editions of some texts included in Siku quanshu 四庫全書, such as Supplementary Records to the Illustrated Guide to Wu Commandery 吳郡圖經續記, produced by Sun You 孫佑 in Suzhou in 1134, and Continued Gazetteer of Xinding [Yanzhou] 新定續志, made between 1260–1264, which have been regarded as national treasures within the genre of gazetteers and valued by academia both here in Taiwan and abroad. In an effort to broaden access to our collections, the NCL continues to create metadata and digitize our rich variety of materials, which have been widely cited and relied upon by scholars throughout the world. NCL collections have been through wars and a relocation to Taiwan, but in spite of these hardships, the collecting of valuable images, books, documents, and other materials has always been our foremost responsibility. The contents of these collections include handwritten, woodblock-printed, and hand-copied works, all of which can be appreciated as works of fine art outside of their historical value. Whether from the styles of particular editions to columns and character counts, texts to illustrations, calligraphy styles to inks, seals to inscriptions, and types of paper to bindings, the characteristics of these rare books reflect the persistence and pursuit of aesthetics in craftsmanship exhibited by those in the book production industry of the time. But at the same time, each work retains value as a historical document coveted by scholarship to further expound the civilization of ancient China. On the surface, libraries merely collect literature and documents, but upon deeper investigation, what we actually bring together is the history and memory of civilizations. To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the NCL, we have decided to present the efforts that underpin our collections by publishing this English-language volume which contains ninety representative works divided into five main themes, namely handwritten works, woodblock-printed works, those produced using moveable type, hand-illustrated works, and printed illustrated works. These ninety pearls have been compiled for readers to first and foremost enjoy. But in one respect, we desire to verify or even supplement the older records of these works, as well as showcasing original materials to assist Sinology research; and in another, by calling attention to developments in printing technologies, we hope to contribute to our overall understanding of the history of book production. In addition to this work, in order to bring the public closer to these antiquities, the NCL has in recent years been actively marketing and promoting them, such as establishing the “Chinese Rare Books Catalog” which has striven to provide readers with an enhanced and more diversified reading environment while responding to trends in digitization. By strengthening cooperative efforts and the dissemination of rare books and ancient texts, we shall continue to enrich their bibliographic information both domestic and abroad, as well as improving international cooperation in the digitization of these works. In terms of exhibitions, we have held several specifically focused on rare books and ancient texts both here in Taiwan and overseas, drawing attention from both academia and the lay visitor. Furthermore, the NCL has been working tirelessly to represent the value of the significant cultural assets within our collections and promote a pure essence of culture. To achieve these goals, we have allowed domestic publishing companies to collaborate in the production of related cultural and creative products to advocate the reading of ancient works and bring them into our lives. The NCL is ultimately responsible for the collection of important national and cultural works, which can further develop previous topics as well as realizing new knowledge. We hope to preserve this cultural heritage and develop rich academic resources through both collection and dissemination. This evokes a couplet written by Yu Youren 于右任 (1879–1964), late director of the Control Yuan, for the NCL that reads: “Five thousand years of culture converge into one river and flow out to sea; one hundred thousand scrolls of books and histories can unlock its treasures for the benefit of future generations.” These words speak of our historical and cultural mission to collect and safeguard these documents, as well as being a metaphor for the undeniable value of rare books and ancient texts—the pearls in the sea that is the NCL. While the times are in incessant forward motion and the mediums with which we consume knowledge are constantly evolving, the culture contained in ancient and modern texts is long in existence yet ever new, deserving to be cherished and passed on.

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:Pearls of the Sea : Selected Works of the NCL Special Collections
  • 出版品網址(線上版或試閱版):連結
  • 適用對象:成人(業務參考),成人(學術性),成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:古籍,圖錄,國家圖書館
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:210
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國家圖書館
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:國家圖書館特藏文獻組 姓名:莊惠茹 電話:02-23619132#429 地址:臺北市中山南路20號