文會竹塹 : 設治三百年 文治兩百年

文會竹塹 : 設治三百年 文治兩百年

  • ISBN/ISSN:9786267407134
  • 出版單位:新竹市文化局
  • 開數:A4
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$480


2023為別具紀念意義的年度。雍正元年(1723)清廷設置淡水廳,正式將現今虎尾溪以北區域納入治理範圍,迄今三百年。道光3 年(1823),新竹舉人鄭用錫登科進士滿二百周年。在這特別的一年,新竹市文化局攜手國立清華大學文物館共同策劃、出版《文會竹塹》,為「設治三百年.文治兩百年」的新竹留下珍貴文化記錄。


市長序Mayor's Foreword
館長序Director's Foreword
Director of NTHU Herltage Museum / Hsieh Hsiao-Chin
Meeting of Cultural Minds in Tek-chhàm, Celebrating the Special Year of 2023
Professor of NTHU Institute of Philosophy / Yang Rur-bin
The Cultural Significance of Hsinchu across Three Hundred Years
Hsinchu Historian / Cai Ren-jian
Voices Loudly Responding to the Winds of the Countless Mountains:
From Humble Beginnings of Governance to a Flourishing Coalescence of Culture in Tek-chhàm
44 明清之際中國地圖(臺灣為東寧)
Map of China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties around
17th Century ( Taiwan as Dongning )
46 手繪淡水廳地圖
Hand-drawn Map of Danshui Ting around Early 18th Century
50 皇朝壹統輿地全圖八條屏
Map of the Unified Territories of the Imperial Dynasty
52 手繪清代臺灣全圖
Hand-drawn Map of Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty around 18th Century
55 明治七年水野遵臺灣全嶋圖
Map of Entire Taiwan by Mizuno Takashi, 1874
58 竹塹城牆石
Tek-chhàm City Wall Stone around 1827 to 1829
60 征台從軍日記東男
Taiwan Expedition Journal in 1895
62 臺灣島征討日誌砂川歡藏
Taiwan Island Expedition Journal around 1895
Sunagawa Kannzou
66 以義理為豐年行草六言條幅北白川宮能久
Six-character Running Script, 1887
Kitashirakawa-no-miya Yoshihisa
67 忠臣本乎孝子楷書六言條幅北白川宮能久
Five-character Running Script
Kitashirakawa-no-miya Yoshihisa
69 臺灣新竹附近土賊掃攘之圖小林清親
The Suppression of Bandits near Hsinchu, Taiwan around 1895
Kobayashi Kiyochika
72 臺灣新竹縣征伐之圖楊齊延一
The Conquest of Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1895
Yosai Nobukazu
74 新竹市街圖
Map of Hsinchu City, 1932
75 昭和9年新竹地質圖
Geological Map of Hsinchu, 1934
Three Hundred Years Governance
Meeting of Cultural Minds in Tek-chhàm—
Three Hundred Years Governance, Two Hundred Years Cultivation
82 念今日憶當年楹聯鄭用錫
Thinking of Today, Reminiscing the Past Couplet, 1856
Cheng Yonghsi
84 學子擬答卷批語鄭用鑑
Review and Comments on Student's Essay
Cheng Yongjian
86 君子喻於義雜稿鄭用鑑
Review and Comments on Student's Essay
Cheng Yongjian
88 唯子出門人問曰雜稿鄭用鑑
Review and Comments on Student's Essay
Cheng Yongjian
90 富貴神仙圖林占梅
Wealth and Prosperity Immortals Painting 1867
Lin Zhanmei
92 「萬壑松」古琴
The Wan Huo Song Guqin
95 辯雄篆古隸書五言對聯呂世宜
Five-character Couplet in Clerical Script
Lu Shiyi
96 竹石花鳥圖何翀
Bamboo, Rock, Flower, and Bird Painting, 1871
Ho Chong
98 仿徐渭花鳥圖謝琯樵
Imitation of Xu Wei's Flower and Bird Painting
Xie Guanqiao
99 擬惲壽平墨竹圖黃玉柱
Ink Bamboo Painting in the Style of Yun Shouping
Huang Yuzhu
100 手札(致桂土學弟)陳耀初
Handwritten Letter to Gui-tu, 1843
Chen Yaochu
103 錄蘇軾〈遊金山寺〉鄭家珍
Su Shi's Poem Visit to the Golden Mountain Temple
Zheng Jiazhen
104 山水圖鄭江立
Landscape Painting
Zheng Jiangli
106 墨竹圖鄭香圃
Ink Bamboo Painting
Cheng Xiangpu
108 蘭圖鄭香圃
Orchid Painting
Cheng Xiangpu
110 梅花圖鄭香圃
Plum Blossom Painting
Cheng Xiangpu
111 松鶴圖鄭香圃
Pine and Crane Painting
Cheng Xiangpu
112 竹陰花氣行書七言對聯(之一)林守長
Seven-character Couplet in Running Script I
Lin Shouchang
115 竹陰花氣行書七言對聯(之二)林守長
Seven-character Couplet in Running Script II
Lin Shouchang
Plum and Bamboo Cultural Movements in Tek-chhàm
118 四君子圖葉鏡鎔
Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum Painting
Ye Jingrong
121 陳懷澄《讀禮襍鈔》序王石鵬
Foreword to Miscellaneous Annotations on the Book of Rites by Chen Huaicheng, 1930
Wang Shipeng
122 無悶草堂詩存序王石鵬
Foreword to Collected Poems of Wu Men Cao Tang, 1931
Wang Shipeng
Celebration of Art and Culture Among Friends
from Taiwan, China, and Japan
Meeting of Cultural Minds in Tek-chhàm—
Three Hundred Years Governance, Two Hundred Years Cultivation
142 秋色黃華圖林希周
Autumnal Colors with Yellow Flowers Painting
Lin Xizhou
144 花鳥圖林希周
Bird Perching on Branch Painting
Lin Xizhou
145 禽蟲花卉圖林希周
Bird, Insect, and Flowers Painting
Lin Xizhou
145 蝶戀花圖林希周
Butterfly Admiring Flowers Painting
Lin Xizhou
148 關公像張品三
Portrait of Guan Gong
Zhang Pinsan
149 文湖州漁樂圖及題辭吳琨、稼園居士
Joy of Fisherman in Wenhu Prefecture with Inscriptions, 1928
Wu Kun, Jiayuan Jushi
15 橅元朝吳鎮山水圖吳琨
Landscape Painting Imitating Yuan Dynasty's Wu Zhen, 1930
Wu Kun
154 彩墨山水圖鄭清奇
Coloured Landscape Painting
Zheng Qingqi
157 高頤碑條幅朱啟星
Calligraphy Scroll of the Gao Yi Stele, 1990
Zhu Qixing
159 錄王羲之〈蘭亭集序〉(之一)朱啟星
Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Gathering by Wang Xizhi I
Zhu Qixing
161 錄王羲之〈蘭亭集序〉(之二)朱啟星
Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Gathering by Wang Xizhi II
Zhu Qixing
162 錄杜牧〈阿房宮賦〉朱啟星
Epang Palace Fu by Du Mu
Zhu Qixing
124 致那須甚市信札謝介石
Letter to Nasu Jinichi
Xie Jieshi
125 李報花容楷書八言對聯謝介石
Eight-character Couplet in Regular Script
Xie Jieshi
126 道德福祿行書八言對聯李逸樵
Eight-character Couplet in Running Script, 1929
Li Yiqiao
127 寒烟沙月行草七律條幅李逸樵
Seven-character Poem in Running Script
Li Yiqiao
128 最是黃花行草七言條幅李逸樵
Seven-character Poem in Running Script, 1931
Li Yiqiao
129 錄日本漢詩二首李逸樵
Excerpt of Two Japanese Han Poems
Li Yiqiao
130 《大東書畫集》李逸樵編
Calligraphy and Painting of the Greater East edited by Li Yiqiao, 1926
133 行草條幅張鏡邨
Scroll in Running Script, 1927
Zhang Jingcun
135 昆明池水行草七言四條屏張鏡邨
Seven-character Poem in Four Hanging Scrolls
Zhang Jingcun
136 致賴子清信札魏清德
Letter to Lai Ziqing, 1924
Wei Qingde
138 致魏清德楷書詩稿條幅上山滿之進
Poem Draft to Wei Qingde in Regular Script
Kamiyama Mannoshin
140 煙波深處七言詩成扇久保天隨
Seven-Character Poem on Folding Fan
Kubo Tenzui
141 錄〈憶臺疆舊游作〉內藤湖南
Excerpt from Reminiscences of Old Travels in Taiwan
Naito Konan
8 9
Meeting of Cultural Minds in Tek-chhàm—
Three Hundred Years Governance, Two Hundred Years Cultivation
164 錄岑參〈使君席夜送嚴河南赴長水〉楊草仙
The Ambassador Escorted Yan Henan to Changshui at Night by Cen Shen, 1930
Yang Caoxian
165 鴻福草書橫披楊草仙
Hong Fu in Running Script, 1927
Yang Caoxian
166 圯橋進履圖李霞
Crossing the Yiqiao Bridge Painting
Li Xia
167 蟄龍聽經圖李霞
Hibernation Dragon Listens to the Sutra Painting, 1929
Li Xia
168 綠陰垂釣圖范侃卿
Angling under the Green Shade Painting, 1931
Fan Kanqing
170 仿李霞松下煮茶圖曾浴蘭
Imitation of Li Xia's Brewing Tea under the Pine Tree Painting
Zeng Yulan
173 牡丹雙雞圖曾浴蘭
Peony and Chickens Painting
Zeng Yulan
175 贈子香山水圖王楠
Landscape Painting for Zeng Yulan, 1929
Wang Nan
177 和氣致祥圖李秋山
Harmony Brings Auspiciousness Painting
Li Qiushan
178 長官筆塚隸書七絕條幅謝景雲
Seven-character Poem in Clerical Script
Xie Jingyun
179 草書條幅張國珍
Scroll in Running Script
Zhang Guozhen
180 《現代台灣書畫大觀》黃瀛豹編
Grand View of Modern Taiwanese Calligraphy and Painting edited
by Huang Yingbao, 1930
186 花鳥圖趙藺
Flowers and Bird Painting
Zhao Lin
188 雛雞圖傅錠鍈
Chicks Painting
Fu Dingying
191 擬余集桐陰讀畫圖吳芾
Imitation of Yu Ji's Reading under the Shade of Parasol Tree Painting
Wu Fei
192 節錄〈贈孔肥西和丙辰仲秋東遊雜詠六絕原韻〉
Excerpt from a Self-composed Poem, 1917
Shi Taixu
193 末法維摩憨頭陀
Upholding Vimalakirti Sutra in the Dharma-Ending Age
Han Tou Tuo
194 各體手卷楊遂、高懷、蘇警予、謝雲聲、林子白
Handsroll in Various Script, 1934
Yang Sui, Gao Huai, Su Jingyu, Xie Yunsheng, Lin Zibai
201 鄒洪上將頌詞繡聯古鼎華
Embroidered Scroll in Praise of General Zou Hong, 1990
Gu Dinghua
作者小傳Author Biography



分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 英文題名:Meeting of cultural minds in Tek-chhàm : three hundred years governance, two hundred years cultivation
  • 適用對象:青少年,成人(業務參考),成人(學術性),成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:新竹市文化局;文會竹塹;300年
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:216
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:新竹市文化局
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:新竹市文化局 姓名:吳佳純 電話:03-5319756-263 地址:新竹市東大路2段15巷1號