

  • ISBN/ISSN:9789860184013
  • 出版單位:國立屏東大學
  • 開數:A4
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$200




1.The Sustenance of an Unequal Social Structure through the Use of Punishment as an Influential Device in A Collection of Tales Featuring Filial Piety and the Consequences of Being Unfilial , Published in 1990 -- 林逸君
2.The Poetics of Dualities in English Romantic Poetry: A Comparative Study with Special Reference to Romanticism and Daoism -- 陳 庸
3.Resurrection: Blurring the Boundaries of Humans and Non-Humans in Gerald Vizenor and N. Scott Momaday -- 高淑婷
4.Hysterical Hamlet -- 蘇筱雯
1.Text and Context of Interactive Communication in the English Writing Classroom: An EFL Writing Course of University English Majors -- 楊昕昕
2.The Equivalence of the Elementary Level of the GEPT to the BCT for Junior High School Students in Taiwan - A Comparative Study -- 蔡倖枝
3.High School Students’ Use of Revision Strategies in English Writing -- 黃瓊葦
4.A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports on Celebrities Homosexuality Scandals -- 李明宗、楊琇琇
5.系統功能語法與中譯英社論褒貶語 -- 董大暉、藍月素
6.Derivation as a Means of Lexical Reduction for the Purpose of Controlling Political Thought: An Application of George Orwell’s Newspeak -- 項偉恩(Wayne T. Schams)
7.英文多音節字彙之習得:以音節概念及分音節步驟增進學習成效 -- 林澤宏
8.A Case Study on Using MSL Approach to Teach English to a Hearing-Impaired Child Learner -- 許育琦
9.Enhancing EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition with Picture Story Books -- 黃如君、曹秀蓉
10.A Case Study of Bargaining Strategies in Retail Encounters in Southern Taiwanese Local Markets -- 李俐君、楊琇琇
11.Acoustic Phonetic Characteristics of Infant-Directed Speech and Foreigner-Directed Speech -- 陳麗美、吳育潔
12.中外籍教師英語協同教學影響臺中市國小學童學習興趣與態度之調查研究 -- 楊式美
13.台灣大學生常見的英語發音問題-以國立屏東教育大學為例 -- 姚淑仁
14.Impacts of Globalization on EFL Incorporating World Topics in University Classrooms -- 林慧菁、何明軒、簡士捷、曾千紋、John A. Purcell、Patricia J. Larke、Lawrence L. Perkins

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:英語教學、文學與文化、語言學、英語教材教法、多媒體教學
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:331
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立屏東教育大學英語學系
  • 取得授權資訊:<p>聯絡人:林玉立<br>聯絡電話:08-7226141#35401<br>聯絡地址:900屏東市民生路4之18號(英語學系)</p>