Part I. Overview of Industrial Technology in TaiwanPart II. Introduction to the Development of Industrial Technology in TaiwanPart III. Key Issues in the Development of Industrial Technology in Taiwan
Part I. Overview of Industrial Technology in TaiwanChapter 1. Current Status and Outlook of Industrial R&D and Innovation Activities in TaiwanChapter 2. Policy Vision and Direction of Industrial Technology Development in TaiwanPart II. Introduction to the Development of Industrial Technology in TaiwanIntroductionChapter 1. Innovation, Research and DevelopmentSection 1: Prospects for the Development of Innovative TechnologySection 2: Smart Living Technology Applications and ServicesSection 3: Information Technology Enabled Services (ITeS)Chapter 2. Electronics, Information, Communications and OptoelectronicsSection 1: Electronics TechnologySection 2: Communications TechnologySection 3: Optoelectronics TechnologySection 4: Information TechnologyChapter 3. Mechanics, Mechatronics, TransportationSection 1: Machinery TechnologySection 2: Transportation TechnologySection 3: Automation TechnologyChapter 4. Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals and FoodSection 1: Biopharmaceutical TechnologySection 2: Biomedical Device TechnologySection 3: Bioresources TechnologySection 4: Food TechnologyChapter 5. Materials and ChemicalsSection 1: Materials TechnologySection 2: Chemicals TechnologySection 3: Textiles TechnologyChapter 6. Energy and Environmental ProtectionSection 1: Energy TechnologySection 2: Environmental Protection TechnologyPart III. Key Issues in the Development of Industrial Technology in TaiwanChapter 1. Foresight Planning and Promotion for the Industries and Technologies in TaiwanChapter 2. A Future Perspective of Cross-Strait Cooperation and Competition in Industrial Science and Technology and in PolicyChapter 3. Current Status of the Alliance of Innovation in the Conventional Industry (AITI)Chapter 4. The Realignment of Taiwan’s Science and Technology Policy with the Far-reaching Effectsof the Financial TsunamiChapter 5. Promotion and Current Status of Traditional Industries in Southern TaiwanChapter 6. How to Enhance Enterprise Innovation Activities and Added ValueAppendixIndexUseful Industrial Technology Websites (Taiwan)
- 書籍分類 :財金產業
- 出版品分類:圖書
- 主題分類:
- 施政分類:
- 英文題名:White Paper on Taiwan Industrial Technology, 2009(The Condensed of the Chinese Edition)
- 出版品網址(線上版或試閱版):連結
- 適用對象:成人(學術性)
- 關鍵詞:Industrial Technology
- 附件:無附件
- 頁/張/片數:250
- 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:經濟部
- 取得授權資訊:聯絡人:陳淑貞小姐聯絡電話:02-25865000轉407聯絡地址:台北市德惠街16-8號7樓