2018 Taiwan’s Wetlands of Importance

2018 Taiwan’s Wetlands of Importance


濕地保育法自104 年2 月2 日施行,依第40 條規定「本法公布施行前經中央主管機關核定公告之國際級及國家級國家重要濕地,於本法施行後,視同國際級與國家級重要濕地。本法公布施行前經中央主管機關核定公告之地方級國家重要濕地,於本法施行後,視同第十二條第一項之地方級暫定重要濕地,並予檢討;」考量原國家重要濕地範圍涉及私有土地等,內政部已於104 年1 月28 日台內營字第104080078 號公告曾文溪口濕地等42 處國際級及國家級國家重要濕地確認範圍,另41 處地方級暫定重要濕地再評定作業,目前已完成公告評定23 處地方級重要濕地,並持續辦理中。
為配合濕地保育法施行及目前地方級重要濕地評定成果,爰修訂原彙編為「2018 重要濕地彙編」,更彙整各重要濕地生態資源及特色,提供各界對我國重要濕地的瞭解。


Taiwan's Wetlands of Importantance
Wetlands of International Important
Wetlands of National Important
Wetlands of Regional Important


Ri-sharng Chiang(Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Physical Planning & Information )
Wei-Da Fang(Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, NTNU)
Hsiao-Wen Wang(Professor, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, NCKU)
Yi-jen Lee(Director, Research Center for Global Change Biology, NCHU)


In order to strengthen our effort on wetland conservation and ecological upkeep, the Ministry of the Interior designated 75 Wetlands of National Importance in 2007,marking a significant milestone for Taiwan's effort on wetland conservation and restoration. From 201l onwards, subsidies from the central government have then been put in place to empower other stakeholders, including local authorities and NGO's. These were followed by the promulgation of the Wetland Conservation Act in 2013,giving all Our conservation work a solid legal source. This latest edition of“2018 Taiwan's Wetlands of Importance” is once again a significant step forward showing the Ministry's dedication in the conservation of Taiwan's wetlands. In short, wetlands are an integral part to Taiwan's sustainable development, and our conservation effort cannot be complete without everyone's goodwill and cooperation.

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  • 出版品網址(線上版或試閱版):連結
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性)
  • 關鍵詞:Wetlands
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:125
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:內政部營建署城鄉發展分署
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡處室:海岸復育課 姓名:沈怡君 電話:02-27721350分機327 地址:台北市松山區八德路2段342號