Taiwanese Literature Historical Top 100

Taiwanese Literature Historical Top 100

  • 統一編號GPN:1010103615
  • 出版日期:2012/12
  • 作/編/譯者:Wang Yuting et.al
  • 語言:英文
  • 頁數:203
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN/ISSN:9789860355208
  • 出版單位:國立臺灣文學館
  • 開數:25開
  • 版次:初版
  • 價格:定價$450




  • 1912-1949
  • Traditional Literati Respond to a Changed Literary Scene—Traditional Poetry Societies during the Period of Japanese Rule/Xue Jianrong
  • Active in the World of Literature and History—Traditional Man of Letters, Lian Yatang/Xue Jianrong
  • A Passionate Poet of Integrity—Lin Youchun/Liao ZhenFu
  • Expressing Aspirations through Poetry, A Woman Poet Practicing Medicine Everywhere–Shi Zhongying/Chen Jiaying
  • The rather of New Taiwanese Literature—Lai He (Lai Ho)/Chen Jianzhong
  • The Voice of the Taiwanese People Under Japanese Rule—The Taiwan Minpao/Lin Peirong
  • A Long, Complicated Dispute—The New/Old LiteratureControversy During the Japanese Occupation Period/Weng Shengfeng
  • Taiwan's First Vernacular Poetry Collection—Zhang Wojun and Love in a Chaotic City/Yang Ziqiao
  • My Hand Writes What I Speak—The Vernacular Written Language Movement/Lin Peirong
  • The Nativist Literature/Taiwanese Vernacular Controversy of the 1930s/Chen Shurong
  • Spokesman for the Disadvantaged—Yang Kui/Zhao Xunda
  • The First Taiwan Collection of Japanese Poetry—Chen Qiyun and Hot Flow/Chen YuXia
  • A Pioneer on the Road of Thorns—Wang Baiyuan and The Road of Thorns/Zhang Wenxun
  • The Literary Dream of Leftist Youth—Formosa/Zhang Wenxun
  • The Pinnacle of the New Taiwanese Literature Movement during the Japanese Occupation Period— Taiwan Literature and Arts League/Zhao Xunda
  • The Stronghold of Taiwan Realist Literature during the Japanese Occupation Period— The Salt-zone/Yang Ziqiao
  • Surrealist Poetry Society of the Japanese Occupation Period-Le Moulin Poetry Society/Yang Ziqiao
  • Taiwan's Most Talented Son--LO Heruo/Zhao Xunda
  • An Impressive Picture' Taiwanese Folk Literature Collected Works of Taiwanese Folk Literature/Lin Peiya
  • The Anguish of Intellectuals under Japanese Occupation—Long Yingzong and "A Small Town with Papaya Trees "/Jian Hongyi
  • The Dawn of the Taiwanese New Theater Movement—The Public Performance of The Capon/Shi WanShun
  • A Literary Group Linking Past to Future—the Silver Bell Association/Zhou Huabin
  • Restoration and Cultural Exchange: Opportunity and Crisis—Early Postwar Newspapers and Magazines/Chen Jianzhong
  • An Attempt to Cross the Cultural Divide—the "Bridge Supplement" Controversy/Chen Jianzhong
  • 1950─1979
  • A War Memoir Filled with Passion Keeping Being Adapted—Wang Lan and Blue and Black/Liao Shuyi
  • Redefining Anti-communist Literature Classic—Jing Gui and Whirlwinid/Jian Hongyi
  • Lighted the Fire of Modern Poetry—Ji Xian/Tsai Mingyen
  • Inclusive then Flourishing—Blue Stars/Tsai Mingyen
  • Raised the Surrealist Banner—The Epoch Poetry Quarterly/Tsai Mingyen
  • A Writer Lying Dead in a Pool of Blood—Zhung Lihe/Yu Xinbei
  • A Self-pursuit under Colonial Rule—Wu Zhuoliu and Orphan of Asia/Lin Peirong
  • The Happy Couple Living in a House of Lights—Luo Men and Rong Zi/Xie Kunhua
  • The Zen of an Enchanted Poet—Lo Fu and Surrealism/Xie Kunhua
  • Tug-of-War with Eternal Nostalgia—Yu Kuang-chung/Tsai Mingyen
  • An Explorer of Chineseness—Zhu Xining/Liao Shufang
  • The Storyteller of Folk Legends—Sima Zhongyuan/Jian Hongyi
  • Traversing the Historical and Literary Writing—Bo Yang/Jian Hongyi
  • Holding Sway over Literary Arenas in the 1960s—Li Ao/Ying Fenghuang
  • Forever Literary Evergreen—Lin Hai-yin/Wang Yu-Ting
  • A Classic of Female Prose Writer—Chi Chun/Wang Yu-Ting
  • A Solitude Prince Making Snow from Fire—Chou Meng-tieh/Xie Yunru
  • A Major Promoter of Modernist Literature--Modern Literature/Liao Shufang
  • The Representative Literary Society of Realism—Wen Ji/Liao Shufang
  • Embracing the Soul and Expanding the Literary Blood of Taiwan—Taiwan Literature/Xu Sulan
  • Guardians of Formosa—Li/Xie Kunhua
  • Female Poets of Language-Crossing Generation in Taiwan—Chen Xiuxi and Dupan Fangge/Liu Weiying
  • A Taiwanese Volunteer Soldier's Experiences in Southeast Asia—Chen Qianwu/Yang Ziqiao
  • Lit up the History of Taiwan Literature—Yeh Shitao/Yu Xinbei
  • A Literary Guardian of Postwar Taiwan—Zhong Zhaozheng/Jian Hongyi
  • A Writing and Life Mentor— Wang Dingjun/Zhang Lixuan
  • Expressing the Loneliness of a Whole Generation—Kenneth Hsien-yung Pai and Taipei People/Wu Dayun
  • Slowly Crafted the Rebellious Classic --Wang Wen-hsing and Family Catastrophe/Wu Dayun
  • Reaching the Peak of Perfect Modern Lyrical Poetry—Cheng Chou-yu/Xie Yunru
  • Making the Nonentity's Voices Heard—Huang Chunming/Liang Junguan
  • An Experimentalist of Novel Language —Wang Chen-ho/Xu Sulan
  • Writing the Biography of Taiwan—Li Qiao and Wintry Nights Trilogy/Xu Sulan
  • A River under the Iceberg—Zheng Qingwen/Xu Sulan
  • A Soul Searcher in the Pursuit of Freedom in Reclusion—Qi-Deng-Sheng/Liao Shufang
  • A Miniature of the Literary History in the 1970s—Book Review and Bibliography/Yu Xinbei
  • Vying for Splendor in the Taboo Dominated Years—The Big Two Literary Supplements/Zhang Lixuan
  • Operating by Literati, Appealing for Literary Readers—"Five Small Presses"/Qiu Yixuan
  • A Literary Pen with Journalist Eyes—Literary Reportage/Zhang Lixuan
  • A Concise and Comprehensive Literary New Look—Flash Fictio/Wu Dayun
  • The Raffling Hostility of Nativist Literature Controversy/Chen FIsinyuan
  • Witness to Changing Times—Crown Magazine and. Popular Reading/Ye Yaling
  • Created Half-century Unfading Popular Sentiments by Writing and Producing—Qiong Yao Wave/Ye Yaling
  • A Popular Literary Magazine in Anti-communist Literature Era—Wlid Winds/Jian Hongyi
  • 1980─2011
  • The Arranging and Reconstructing of Historical Literary Materials Chen Xinyuan/Chen Xinyuan
  • An Astonishing, Work - -Li Ang and The Butcher's Wik Wang Yuting/Wang Yuting
  • Years of Martial Law.A Wildfire Sets the Prairie Ablaze— Lung Yingtai and The Wildfire/Yang Zonghan
  • The Eternal Peasant Poet—Wu Sheng/Chen Jianzhong
  • Formosa Defender—Song Zelai/Chen Jianzhong
  • Corning Over from "Three-three"—Yu Xinbei the Thu Sisters and the "Three-three" Group/Yu Xinbei
  • The "Alchemist" of Taiwanese Vernacular Literature Yu Xinbei DongFang Hai and Waves Washing the Sand/Yu Xinbei
  • Restructuring the Literary Firmament— Yang Zonghan Lin Yaode and His "Discussion On the New Generation"/Yang Zonghan
  • The Perfect Individual Poetry Collection—Xia Yu/Chen Yucheng
  • Dispirited and Disconsolate Yet Artistry and Style That Toweris Above All—Wu He/Liao Shufang
  • A Historical Moment—Sounding the Bugle for Homosexual Literature—Qiu Miaojin/Yu Xinbei
  • A Woman Navigating the "River" (Roman-Fleuve)—Shi Shuqing/Liao Shuyi
  • International Promoter of Taiwanese Literature—Chi Pang-Yuan/Jian Hongyi
  • Carnivals for Adults—Postwar Taiwan Literature Camps/Qiu Yixuan
  • Return of Taiwanese Literature Languages—The Mother Tongue Movement/Chen Muzhen
  • Mother Tongue Organizations — Literary Diversity—the Yam Poetry/Zhou Dingbang
  • Passing on the Cultural Legacy Taiwan Indigenous Voice Bimonthly/Zheng Yawen
  • The Fight to Preserve Cultural Heritage—The Collecting and Acquisition of Folk Literature/Zhou Dingbang
  • Taiwan's Tropical Literature Scene—Malaysian Chinese Literature in Taiwan/Zhang Jinzhong
  • Missing My Lost Home—Literature of the Military Dependents' Villages/Jian Hongyi
  • From "Ladies" to "Independent Women"—Women's Literature/Jian Hongyi
  • The Gender Movement in Literature—Gay Literature/Yu Xinbei
  • Taiwan's Memory Puzzle—Family History Writing Since the Lifting of Martial Law/Huang Zongjie
  • Singing with the Pen—Indigenous Literature/Zheng Yawen
  • Symphonic Literary Presentation of Mother Tongue Language/Chen Muzhen
  • Feeling the Heartbeats of the Land and the Fetal Movements of Literature Nature Writing/Jian Yiming
  • Between Homeland and Strange Land—Travel Literature/Jian Yiming
  • Carnival on the Tongue Tip—Dietary Literature/Hong Shanhui
  • A Brand-New Wave in the Internet Age—Internet Literature/Chen Yucheng
  • The Institutionalization of Taiwanese Literature/Chen Wan-Yi
  • The "Home" of Taiwan Literature—The National Museum of Taiwan Literature/Wang Suhui
  • A Yearly "Mirror"— The Almanac of Taiwan Literature/Lin Peirong

分類 其他詳細資訊
  • 適用對象:成人(學術性),成人(休閒娛樂)
  • 關鍵詞:台灣文學史
  • 附件:無附件
  • 頁/張/片數:203
  • 著作財產權管理機關或擁有者:國立台灣文學館
  • 取得授權資訊:聯絡組室:研究典藏組 姓名:陳小姐 電話:06-2217201